Monday, November 1, 2021

Exeter-Milligan Update: FCCLA Attends District Leadership Conference


Photo: District #4 VP of Recreation/Membership- Kierra Papik w/ EM Adviser & District #4 Adviser Mrs. Mary Lou Vossler

Photo: EM FCCLA Chapter and their donations of plastic shopping bags, 54 hygiene kits and 45 blankets donated to Becky's Beds of Bags which will be made into bed mats and donated to the homeless. 

Pictured are

F: Kierra Papik, Cheyenne Krupicka, Sydney Engert, Selah Petersen and Morgan White

2nd: Alivia Luzum, Rebecca Krupicka, Savana Krupicka, Joleen Vossler

3rd: Madison Luzum, Kiah Songster, Taylor Pribyl, Lily Jeffries, Briana Capek, Jasmine Turrubiates, and Brooklyn Oldehoeft

Back: Cameran Jansky, Emma Olsen, Malorie Staskal, Olivea Swanson, and Kiley Oldehoeft



EM Chapter 2021-2022

Pictured are:

F: Selah Petersen, Sydney Engert, Cheyenne Krupicka, Alivia Luzum

2nd: Morgan White, Kiley Oldehoeft, Taylor Probyl, Savana Krupicka, Malorie Staskal, Lily Jeffries, Joleen Vossler and Kierra Papik

3rd: Olivea Swanson, Jasmine Turrubiates, Brooklyn Oldehoeft, and Advisor Mary Lou Vossler

Top: Briana Capek, Rebecca Krupicka, Kiah Songster, Madison Luzum, Cameran Jansky, and Emma Olsen


Exeter-Milligan FCCLA attend District #4 Leadership Conference

By Mary Lou Vossler, Exeter-Milligan FACS Instructor and FCCLA Advisor


On October 6th, 2021 Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) members and their advisers met on the Central Community College (CCC) Campus in Hastings, Nebraska for the 2021 District 4 Leadership Conference. 300 members from 7 different chapters, Bruning- Davenport Jr. High, Bruning- Davenport High School, Cross County, Doniphan-Trumbull, Exeter-Milligan, Fillmore Central and Sutton, began the conference by listening to the keynote speaker, Dean Jacobs. Jacobs spoke to the attendees about following your passion by recounting his time traveling the world. 


Several other sessions were offered during the length of the conference. In total, 21 different sessions were presented by 12 different groups. The sessions that were offered are: dance session by a Sutton FCCLA member, Jackie Zeckser spoke about childcare, Nebraska Extension Agents Kylie Kinley and Haley discussed leadership and creativity, CCC employees Brad Lang and Julie Mullen talked to students about agriculture and academic transfers at CCC, CCC associate dean Brain Hoffman gave students a walking tour of the CCC campus in Hastings, enCourage discussed domestic violence and self-care, Sunny D’s informed students about STD and HIV prevention and healthy relationships, the Fiber Mill spoke on what it is like to be an entrepreneur in the textiles industry, a FCCLA Kahoot was offered to students by the District 4 Officer team, Nebraska State Officer Milli Ciprian discussed National Programs and LifeSmarts with students, Nebraska State Peer Officers Noah and Alexandria discussed national programs, and Becky Topil spoke to students about creating bed from plastic bags for homeless populations. 

District #4 Chapters also collected plastic grocery bags, hygiene kit supplies and blankets for Becky Topil's Beds of Bags.  EM FCCLA collected 5 garbage bags full of plastic bags, put together 54 hygiene kits and collected 45 blankets. 


The 7 chapters were each represented by a District 4 Officer from their chapter. Revin Nyberg from Cross County is serving as the 2021-2022 District 4 President, Makayla Messenger from Sutton is serving as the 2021-2022 Vice-President, Lauryn Koch from Bruning-Davenport Middle School is serving as the 2021-2022 Secretary and Treasurer, Bryan Clift from Fillmore Central is serving as the 2021-2022 Vice-President of Public Relations, Historian, and Technology officer, Kierra Papik from Exeter-Milligan is serving as the 2021-2022 Vice-President of Recreation and Membership, the 2021-2022 Vice-President of Community Service is Sydney Rainforth from Doniphan Trumbull, Paige Oltmans from Bruning-Davenport High School is serving as the 2021-2022 Vice-President of Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR), and Mary Lou Vossler of Exeter-Milligan is serving as the 2021-2022 District 4 Adviser.




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