Exeter-Milligan FCCLA Chapter Attends District #4 FCCLA Leadership
By Mary Lou Vossler, E-M FACS Instructor and FCCLA Advisor
On October 2, 2019 21 members of the Exeter-Milligan FCCLA Chapter
joined approximately 360 Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America
(FCCLA) members gathered at Central Community College in Hastings, Nebraska for
the FCCLA District 4 Leadership Conference. These 7 schools came together:
Bruning-Davenport Middle School, Bruning-Davenport High School, Cross County,
Doniphan-Trumbull, Exeter-Milligan, Fillmore Central, and Sutton. All members
in attendance grew their leadership skills with the conference theme “Take the
Plunge with FCCLA.”
Chapters were welcomed to the conference by the District 4
Officers, followed by the presentation of the Colors by Bruning-Davenport
Middle School Chapter and the National Anthem by Sammie Osentowski from the
Cross County Chapter. A Mixer
provided members an opportunity to meet students from other chapters which was
led by Nick Andrews from the Fillmore Central Chapter.
The Chapter Showcase Presentation, created by Tanner Bolte from the Bruning-Davenport Middle School Chapter, featured the FCCLA Chapters
within District 4 and their chapter highlights.
Chapters also displayed past STAR projects and Chapter “Shout Out”
Our State Officer, Caitlin Murphy from the Exeter-Milligan Chapter, and PEER Education Officers from
Aurora and Twin River Chapters, also
welcomed the FCCLA members.
As a group, the keynote session was from the Sunny D’s from Hastings High School. This program
uses theater to discuss the facts regarding HIV/AIDS. The stories shared were
of actual people from Nebraska living with HIV/AIDS. Each member attended 4
breakout sessions, these sessions were designed to help build leadership
skills. Sessions included: Volunteering – Lead4Change, Entrepreneurship,
Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education Tour,
Dental Assisting/Health Occupations Tour,
Business Careers Tour, Peer
Education, Chapter Activities & Ice Breakers, Chapter Service Project, Yoga, Accessorize with Confidence, Mental
Health & Stress, Dollars & Sense, State Officer, STAR Events,
and Sunny D’s.
The last session of the day was the
afternoon keynote with Taylor Siebert from STRIV. He shared his career journey
and keys to success focusing on three key areas: SERVE – WORK – CONNECT.
District 4 Officers for the 2019–2020 conducted the opening and
closing ceremonies, and those officers were: President Maddy Stock
(Doniphan-Trumbull), Vice-President Makayla Messenger (Sutton),
Secretary/Treasurer Addi Crocket (Bruning-Davenport HS), VP of Public Relations
Hannah Linn (Cross County), VP of Recreation
Nick Andrews (Fillmore Central), VP
of Media/Tech/Historian Tanner Bolte
(Bruning-Davenport MS), and VP of STAR
Jaiden Papik (Exeter-Milligan). The District 4 Adviser is Susan Biba
from the Fillmore Central Chapter.
Pictured are front L-R: Rebecca Krupicka,
Madison Luzum, Savana Krupicka, Malorie Staskal, Lily Jeffries, Taylor Pribyl,
Joleen Vossler, Kierra Papik, and Emma Meyer
Back L-R: Caitlin Murphy, Daisy Kanode,
Cammie Harrison, Joana Melchert, Emma Olsen, Cameran Jansky, Anna Sluka, Alexis
Turrubiates, Kiah Songster, Jaiden Papik, Georgia Meyer and Kayla Geiger