A group of sophomore students read from their Frankenstein novels,
while creating a timeline of events on their posterboard. Clockwise: Natalie
Staskal, Jaiden Papik, Clint Oldehoeft, and Sean Gibson (back to camera)
and Journalism Happenings at Exeter-Milligan Public Schools
Ashley Stutzman, E-M Language Arts Instructor
has been a busy semester in the English and Journalism classroom at
Exeter-Milligan High School. Sophomores are currently reading the novel, Frankenstein.
Juniors have been studying pieces of American literature. Most recently, the
students participated in a group project, which required them to analyze a
historical piece of literature and present it to their classmates. Finally, the
seniors have just completed a study of Jack London and his novel, White
Fang. Throughout the semester, students have been reading novel of their
choice for an independent reading project. At the end of the semester, they
will be presenting projects of their choice over the books that they read. I am
excited to hear about so many books from the students!
class has also been busy this semester with a variety of projects. We have
continued to publish our weekly newsletter, Howl of the Wolves. The
newsletter features different content, including a faculty member of the week,
student of the week, and jokes submitted by our elementary students. In
addition to the newsletter, journalism students have also been busy designing
posts for the school’s social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and
Instagram. A fun project that the students created this semester was a
Thanksgiving video featuring many students and staff, and another video will be
created for the upcoming holiday season.
for reading about our classroom, and happy holidays!