Thursday, May 9, 2024

Exeter-Milligan holds Arts and Academics Honors Program

Exeter-Milligan senior Savana Krupicka opened the Arts and Academics Honors program by noting that they were there to "celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students."

To open the evening four students were inducted into the National Honor Society in a program presented by the current NHS members.  New members include Lily Jeffries, Brett Kallhoff, Kiley Oldehoeft and Selah Petersen.

Several of the teachers gave overviews of their activities this year including Senior High math from Mrs. Pribyl, Action's Day with Ms. Severson and Yearbook and newsletter staff with Mrs. Perez.

Mrs. Kanode reviewed the different art awards and activities for the year and presented the Rookie Art Award to Carver Kanode and the Artist of the Year to Liberty Johnson.

Music director Mr. Perez recognized the students who participated in extra band contests and presented the eighth grader Directors Award to Deacon Erdkamp, the National School Choral Award to Dravin Birkes and the John Phillips Sousa Award went to Troy Kallhoff.

High grade point average awards were presented next with Liam Capek, sixth grade, Brynnlye Johnson, seventh grade, Deacon Erdkamp, eighth grade, Cheyenne Krupicka, ninth grade, Brett Kallhoff, tenth grade, Aidan Vavra, eleventh grade and Troy Kallhoff, twelfth grade.

Citizenship awards were also presented with American Legion Auxiliary 7-12 female K'mila Benitez, and American Legion 7-12 male Mikey Bartu and Troy Kallhoff was presented the all school citizenship award.

The seniors were presented with their scholarships before Student Council Vice President Troy Kallhoff closed the program.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

EMF hosts inaugural Acitivies Night

Exeter-Milligan/Friend held their inaugural Activities Banquet on Thursday, April 25th in the Friend gym.

Appropriately the programs were emblazoned with the motto "Honor the past, live in the present, look to the future!"
Exeter-Milligan Superintendent Paul Sheffield opened the evening with a few remarks before giving each coach of an activity the opportunity to give a brief summary of their season. 

The Coop this year included a number of activities new to one of the districts  including girls golf, cross country, one act play, girls wrestling and e-sports.

After the coaches shared their season highlights, Mr. Jim Pfieffer, Friend Superintendent Derek Anderson and Sheffield handed out the three sport medals that were sponsored by the EMF Booster club.  Eighteen freshmen received a three sport medal, eight sophomores, twelve juniors and seven seniors.

Pfeiffer also presented special awards to the rookies of the year, team players of the year and the athletes of the year.  He noted that the students receiving the awards also had to have a gpa of 3.5 or higher.

Adrien Mueller and Aniston Meints were the male and female rookie of the year.  Team players of the year were Kiley Oldehoeft and Draven Payne and Breckan Schluter and Savana Krupicka were the male and female athletes of the year.

At the end of the evening the audience was treated to a video documentary produced by the Friend digital media and yearbook classes with photos from multiple sources.