On January 4th, local meat cutters gathered at Straight From the Farm, business/home of Sheldon and Judy Kohout, to learn a number of new beef cuts. Dr. Dennis Burson came from the University of Nebraska to educate the group. He explained that turning more of the meat from the chuck roll into these new steaks and roasts will increase the value of the beef as a whole because less of it is then made into hamburger. Dr. Burson demonstrated how to achieve each new cut on a beef donated to the assembly by Harre Feed Yards. Tara Hoelscher of the Nebraska Beef Council was also present and assisted in the presentation. She distributed books that contained information on how butchers can attain the new cuts, and how consumers can optimize tenderness in cooking them. In attendance for the demonstration were Sheldon and Judy Kohout, Straight From the Farm, Friend; Kate Harre and Mary Schlegelmilch, Harre Feed Yards, Exeter; Mahlon Kohl, Blue River Meats, Crete; Al Kimminau, The Cordova Locker, Cordova; and Brian Himmelberg, Orv’s Grocery Store, Friend.
In 2000, the flatiron steak and petite tenderloins were discovered by meat scientists at the University of Nebraska. And most recently, the Denver, the Delmonico, America’s beef roast, country-style boneless beef chuck ribs, and the Sierra have been named on the list of new beef cuts. A few of the butchers were familiar with some of the new cuts, and others learned a whole new process to use in their shops the future. It is said that these new cuts of beef are found exclusively in smaller butcher shops. Large packers would have to redesign their processing lines to accommodate these products, which they have yet to do. Area meat cutters have been learning how to accomplish these fresh cuts and are benefitting from their sales.