Lt. Governor John Nelson
FCDC Holds Annual Meeting
2015 Annual Meeting of the Fillmore County Development Corporation was held
Sunday February 15, 2015 at the St. Stephens Parish Hall in Exeter,
Nebraska. The afternoon started with the
FCDC hosting a social gathering serving pie, coffee, and tea.
Karla Jacobson, President of the Fillmore County Development Corporation
welcomed everyone to the annual meeting. She invited Senator Laura Ebke to say
a few words to the group about the current legislative session.
Eric Kamler then introduced the afternoon speaker, John Nelson. He had been the Lt. Governor
for 101 days as well as a Nebraska State Senator and served on the
appropriations committee all eight years.
Mr. Nelson is a native of Fillmore County and graduated from Geneva High
School. He still has farm group in
Fillmore County.
Nelson spoke
for about 30 minutes about his experiences as the Lt. Governor and some of the
duties that entailed. Other information he shared with the group was
about the successful Nebraska Advantage Act and Intern Nebraska programs. He reminded the group that Nebraska is #1 in
cattle on feed, #2 in ethanol production and currently there is $700 million in
the cash reserve.
Karla Jacobson presided over the business meeting. The minutes of the 2014 annual meeting were
approved as well as the proposed budget for 2015. Bart Brinkman of Shickley,
Bryce Kassik of Geneva and Amie Underwood of Exeter were elected as new Board
of Directors of the FCDC to serve four year terms.
Jacobson recognized and thanked the 2014 FCDC members for their investment and
support. She also recognized the FCDC Board members: Alan Emshoff, Don
Jividen, Don Bristol, Eric Kamler, Shari Michl, Ann Jansky, Amanda Haumont,
Megan Williams, and Brandy VanDeWalle. Alan Emshoff and Don Jividen will be
going off of the Board after serving many years.
Patt Lentfer,
Executive Director, thanked the FCDC investors, Board members, and committee
members. She also talked about the
growth that has happened in Fillmore County and the growth that continues. Lentfer said that creating a positive
business climate and being ready for opportunities are the goals of the
FCDC. Currently we are working on a job
fair/career day, on-line job board, housing development, becoming a Livestock
Friendly County, and continue to partner with NE Department of Economic
Development, utility partners and the Lincoln Area Development Partners as well
as the Fillmore County Supervisors and community leaders.