Nebraska State Patrol Trooper Tim Pickering talks to the
Exeter-Milligan seventh through twelfth graders.
“We want to bring awareness of distracted driving to you,
our students,” Mrs. MaryLou Vossler, Family/Consumer Science teacher at
Exeter-Milligan told the seventh through twelfth graders on Friday morning.
In her introduction of Sergeant Tim Pickering, a member of
the Nebraska State Patrol, Vossler warned the students, “What Trooper Pickering
shows you should be alarming.”
The presentation was a joint effort of Vossler and
Exeter-Milligan Superintendent Paul Sheffield.
The crowd in the gym was silent as Pickering shared some
staggering statistics with the students, “One in six students binge drink in
Nebraska. Nebraska is the number two state in the nation in binge
drinking. That isn’t something you can be proud of. It can cost
Nebraskan’s $423,900,000 a year between accidents, deaths, treatment, etc.”
Trooper Pickering reminded the students “Nothing that
happens in a vehicle just happens to you and you are the only one affected by
He went on to emphasize the importance of wearing a
seatbelt, “It is a restraint required to keep you in your seat. Even in a
slow crash you bounce around. Relying on an airbag is not enough.”
He showed the students multiple videos which highlighted the
importance of each occupant of the car being belted in so that they don’t harm
the other belted passengers. Pickering noted that in Nebraska a child was
killed in a car accident because, even though he was belted in, his parent was
not and the impact of the parent on the child is what killed the child.
Along with the importance of restraint use, Pickering
emphasized the dangers of distracted driving. “When you are driving
that’s all you should be doing. Not eating, texting, or talking on the
phone, just driving. The biggest factor involving crashes in Nebraska is
distracted driving. Number two is alcohol, but it used to be number one.”
Pickering showed several videos on what happens when drivers
try to multi-task in the car, “We get complacent because we don’t have that
volume of traffic.”
He transitioned back to the importance of seat belts as he
showed a sequence of videos on what happens in a rollover crash without
Pickering shared last year’s death statistics which include
260 deaths on Nebraska roads. “Eighty-one of those drivers were killed in
a rollover accident and out of that 81 only four were wearing a
restraint. They were not ejected but still a fatality because some
crashes are not survivable. We see a pattern. If you leave the
roadway chances are you will rollover.”
A 24 year veteran with the State Patrol, Pickering shared
with the students “The worst thing I have to do is go and tell a parent,
husband or wife that their loved one has died.”
Before taking the students outside to demonstrate with the
Nebraska State Patrol rollover vehicle, Pickering reminded them “It’s not
comfortable for me to wear a seatbelt, but I don’t want to be a statistic.”
Pickering demonstrated what happens when a loose backpack
flies around with a belted passenger in the rollover vehicle and then showed
them what happens when the driver is not belted in. He pointed out that
the “rollover dummy” went out of the vehicle in the same direction the car was
rolling and so most likely the car would roll over the ejected person.
Recently the FCCLA received a grant for $500 from State Farm
Insurance. With these funds they purchased educational DVD's and visually
impaired goggles. Before heading outside for the rollover demonstration
Vossler offered the students pencils, wristbands and air fresheners which were
compliments of the Nebraska Safety Council: Teens in the Driver's Seat.
Above - Nebraska State Patrol Trooper Tim Pickering talks to the
Exeter-Milligan seventh through twelfth graders after demonstrating the
rollover vehicle. Below -Nebraska State Patrol Trooper Tim Pickering picks up the
rollover dummy at Exeter-Milligan after it has been ejected from the vehicle.