Saturday, May 29, 2010

And the Winner Is. . .

Vickie Androyna wins the first slide down the slide at the Exeter Aquatic Center. Her name was drawn by Assistant Librarian Jessica Votipka to have the first crack at the new slide. Congratulations Vickie! We will see at the pool on Monday at 1:30!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memorial Day Program

Monday, May 31st at 10:00 the Exeter American Legion Post 218 will hold their annual program at the Exeter Cemetery. The schedule is as follows:

Opening - Mr. Bob Dumpert

Star Spangled Banner - Exeter-Milligan School Band

Invocation - Rev. Tim Adams

Gettysburg Address - Charlotte Andreasen

In Flanders Field - Travis Yound

Salute to America's Finest - Exeter-Milligan School Band

Address - Mr. Tim Wilbeck

Salute to the Dead - Exeter American Legion Post #218

Taps - Blake Papik

In case of inclement weather the service will be held at the Exeter-Milligan High School Gym

The American Legion Auxiliary will be serving coffee and rolls at the Legion Hall following the service at the cemetery. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Sign up to be FIRST!!!

The Exeter Village Board in conjunction with the Exeter Chamber of Commerce are giving you a FREE chance to slide down the new slide FIRST!!! Enter your name in the drawing buckets at First National Bank in Exeter, the Exeter Public Library, the Exeter Post Office, Salon C or Greg's Family Market and one name will be drawn on Saturday to be eligible to take the first turn down the slide on Opening DAY!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Exeter-Milligan Brings Home the Hardware

Exeter-Milligan Track students found some success in Omaha over the weekend at the State Track meet. They medalled in seven categories with the boys taking individual event medals, and the girls picking up several medals in the relays and an individual medal.

Congratulations to Shane Manning who took the gold medal in Class D State Pole Vault with a 13'2" vault.

Ryan Harre took home a pair of bronze medals in the 100 Meter at 11.253 and the 200 Meter at 23.311 .

The 1600 Meter relay team of Taylor Erdkamp, Mariah Bigelow, Heather Pribyl and Jennifer Pribyl took 7th place with a time of 4:21.148

The 3200 Meter Relay team of Heather Pribyl, Taylor Erdkamp, Alicia Bigelow and Jennifer Pribyl took 4th with a time of 10:15.804 .

Jennifer Pribyl also picked up 5th place in the 800 Meter run with a time of 2:27.244.

Exeter-Milligan Attendance Awards

Pictured are the Exeter-Milligan K-2nd grade students with
Perfect Attendance for the 4th quarter of the school year.

Front: Peyton Pribyl, Emma Olsen, Benjamin Bartu, Katelyn
Babula, and Jaiden Papik
Back: Johnathen Ostrand, Ty Underwood, Elijah Johnson,
Caitlin Murphy, and Anna Sluka

Pictured are the Exeter-Milligan K-2nd Grade students with
Perfect Attendance for the 3rd Quarter of the school year.
Front: Casey Underwood, Ben Bartu, and Brekken Moses
Back: Brock Steuben, Clint Oldehoeft, Jaiden Papik, and
Caitlin Murphy

Exeter-Milligan students at the Exeter site with Perfect
Attendance for the 2009-2010 school year: Jaiden Papik (1st
Grade) and Caitlin Murphy (2nd Grade)

Exeter-Milligan 3rd-6th grade students with Perfect
Attendance for the 4th quarter of the school year.

First Row: Macy Due, Kate Jansky, Joel Klemm, Mitchell
Manning, and Trever Zelenka
Second Row: Tara Mueller, Kaitlyn Vavra, Janey Erdkamp, and
Joey Bartu
Third Row: Patrick Murphy, Ella Wilkins, Haylee Sheffield,
and Lucy Murphy
Fourth Row: Evan Harre, Trystan Brandt, Samantha Horne, and
Joan Strate

Exeter-Milligan students at the Milligan site with perfect
attendance for the 2009-2010 school year: Patrick Murphy
(5th Grade) and Mitchell Manning (4th Grade).

Brooke Poppert (2nd Grade) was Exeter-Milligan Elementary's
top fund-raiser for the Jump Rope for Heart program for the
2009-2010 school year. Her outstanding efforts helped to
raise an amazing $200.

Exeter-Milligan Public Schools 3rd-6th Grade students with
Perfect Attendance for the 3rd Quarter of the school year.

Front: Patrick Murphy, Mitchell Manning, Katherine White,
and Macy Due
Back: Spencer Papik, Haylee Sheffield, and Cameron White