The Exeter Village board met on Wednesday, September 8 in the village office.
The board opened with a special meeting to discuss the tax request. There was an increase in valuations of $188,772. The previous tax year saw a valuation change of 1.8 million.
Chairman Alan Michl explained that the current fiscal year asking was $149,586.06 with $179,151.59 bond for a total asking of $328,735.50 total. The board examined three options for the levy request with a total of $1758.35 difference between the three options. There was no action taking during the special meeting.
The board left the meeting open until 7:10 for the public to have the opportunity to comment.
After closing that meeting the board opened the budget hearing with a discussion on the budget comparison sheet. Clerk Becky Erdkamp noted that the Federal American Recovery plan act funds were in the reflected on the budget.
The board noted that the salex tax will cover the full amount of the pool bond. But Michl added that the motor vehicle sales tax was up from $27,643.00 to $39,418.00 “Overall we figure we will be about $30,000 short from last year,” Michl concluded.
The board also noted that the agreement with Perennial will be changing soon. In the past Perennial added a 14% franchise fee on each bill but now the franchise fee will be itemized with only a 12% charge. The board has the option to increase the franchise fee and planned to do that back to 14% next month.
It was also noted that Nebraska statute LB26 goes into effect on October first which eliminates sales tax on residential water services. There are just 27 non-residential water meters which will net the village in about $7000.00 in lost sales tax.
Board member Justin Harre questioned if the increased water rates will cover the loss. Clerk Erdkamp explained that it would negate the loss but the board discussed the need to increase water rates again next year.
The board also discussed the option of “raising taxes 1% by super majority which would generate another $15,000 more,” according to Michl.
The board closed the budget hearing at 7:20 and opened the one and six year road plan hearing. It was noted that the one year planned just included regular maintenance.
After closing the one and six year road plan hearing the board opened the regular meeting. After approving the invoices and August meeting minutes the board moved on to the agenda. Board member Jim Anderson was absent.
The board passed resolution 21-03 resolution to set the tax request. The board also approved the additional one percent tax increase and the budget as proposed. “When you don’t have a lot of money nothing changes a lot,” explained Michl.
Resolution 21-04 approved the one and six year road plan as proposed.
The board discussed a request from a property owner to address drainage issues on the north side of town. After a brief discussion on a 2016 drainage study JEO had done a few years ago the board noted that the road is closed in that area so the property owner may have to put some drainage ditches on his own property and put several feet of fill before building
Marshal Tyler gave his report. He is continuing to work on unlicensed cars in the village. He also asked the board if they were interested in purchasing a radar trailer with the Village of Fairmont
After a short discussion board member Harre commented, “I don’t think we are in position right now to spend that kind of money.”
The board went into executive session at 750 to discuss annual personnel wage reviews and came out of executive session at 8:10 giving the employees a raise in hourly wage.
Maintenance Supervisor John Mueller gave his report first discussion the leak situation at the pool. He noted that JEO engineer Dave Hanke recommended that the village paint the entire pool and have a different company recaulk the pool. The company that has caulked the leaks guaranteed their work and has come back once to recaulk but the pool still leaks. Mueller noted that company still warranties their work and would come back for free. To sandblast and paint the pool the bid was $17,550 and another $2500.00 to recaulk.
The board decided to hold off on painting the pool for this year and have the original company come out the third time to recaulk.
There was a short discussion on replacing the water meters in town. They were installed in in 2005 and 2006 with a guarantee to work 10 years.
The Board discussed moving the gazebo from the nursing home to the lot north of the senior center.
Erdkamp reported that sales tax for June was $10,680.20 and July Keno was $254.00. She reported that two of the nuisance properties the board has identified are being addressed. One is half way torn down and the other is being flipped. Nothing has happened with the third property. The board decided to continue to address the third property.
The next board meeting was set for Tuesday, October 5.