Other events:
Art Activity -7:30-8:30 at the Legion - come and go
Beer Mile 4 x 4 - 7 pm prizes for top 2 teams and best dressed/theme. Start location: water tower, Contact Jalen Maxson (402)266-1494
Art Activity -7:30-8:30 at the Legion - come and go
Beer Mile 4 x 4 - 7 pm prizes for top 2 teams and best dressed/theme. Start location: water tower, Contact Jalen Maxson (402)266-1494
The Exeter
Village Board met on Thursday July 6 at 7 pm in the village office. After approving
the minutes and invoices they invited Michael Schultes
from JEO to discuss the wastewater reports and the water main repair project across
Highway 6.
The board revisited
the three options they have looked at it to treat the levels of ammonia in the wastewater. They include building a wastewater treatment
plant, building an additional larger lagoon or running the wastewater through a
pivot over adjacent farm ground.
The board asked
several questions about the option to run a pivot on land adjacent to the
current wastewater treatment plant. The
pivot would distribute the run off on the field.
One concern
was keeping the agreement with the landowner over a number of years especially
if the landowner eventually dies and the land passes to their descendants. “I’ve worked with some communities that
eventually purchase the land so they have control of it. . . I definitely see
that” explained Schultes.
Michl noted,
“When the original lagoon was built we had 800 people and they were plenty
big. Now we have 500 people and they
aren’t big enough. How much lower is the
government going to lower the limits (of ammonia)?”
The board
held a discussion on talking to the landowners and how they would secure the
land if the owners were willing to sell.
presented three funding options including private bond funding, state revolving
funds and USDA funding. The board didn’t
express any preference instead noting that “until we get something locked down
with landowners it’s a moot point,” said Michl.
The board
moved to discuss the Highway 6 project water main. The project includes a new six inch water main,
new fire hydrant, and new service to Casey’s and two residences. The estimated
cost is $125,000. Clerk Becky Erdkamp reminded the board that they have ARPA
funding to use. “If we use that funding
we wouldn’t have to get a loan,” Michl confirmed.
The board
approved a motion to get the permits and put out for bids on the water main
The board
approved a land split that was approved by the zoning administration.
The board
approved the engagement letter with the accountant firm for budget
Marshal Tyler
Salmon visited with the board about the upcoming Exeter Days.
Supervisor John Mueller reported he is working on batting cages at the ball
field and hopes to get the mulch down in August. Clerk Erdkamp noted that the village received
$8000 from the Exeter Area Community Foundation for the batting cages.
It was noted
that the Village has invested around $23,000 in the ball field in the last year
including upgrades to the batting cages, shed and concession area.
Mueller also
reported that the well levels were getting low but the recent rain has brought
the level back up. He noted, “If it
stays dry we might have to think of doing something.”
The Board
discussed the possibility of restricting water use and Mueller noted that the
board has never had to restrict water since the water meters were installed.
Erdkamp gave her report opening with two requests for repeat sponsorship. The
board approved sponsoring the EMF Bobcat cross country color run and pool
prizes for Exeter Days out of the Keno Betterment Funds.
Erdkamp also
reported that sales tax for April was $13,389.53 and keno for May was
$111.36. The board set the next meeting
for August 8.
Exeter’s John E’s Bar was reviewed
in the Lincoln Ground Zero Magazine.
There was a preview of Exeter Fun
Days which included karaoke, Junk in Your Trunk sale and softball tournament.
The Exeter-Milligan National Baseball team are, from left: (front row)Jonah Geiger, Carter Bourquin, Avery Nichols and Adrien Mueller; and (back row) Coach Allen Vavra, Truman Milton, Brett Kallhoff, Aidan Vavra, Cohen Harre and Coach T. J. Mueller.