Saturday, May 30, 2020

Exeter American Legion Hosts Abbreviated Memorial Day Program

A cloudy misty morning mimicked the somber attitude at the Memorial Day program at the Exeter Cemetery.

The program was abbreviated due to the COVID-19 virus.  Most of the attendees listened from their vehicles.
Butch Jansen opened the program, led the group in prayer and led the pledge.

Exeter-Milligan senior Cailtin Murphy read The Gettysburg Address.

Jansen read the names of those from the Exeter area who lost their lives in service before Kayla Geiger read “In Flanders Fields.”

Tim Wilbeck gave a brief address noting how the Corona virus has “reminded everyone how fragile life can be.”

He drew similarities between the unforeseen dangers of the current state of the world with those the military faces every day.

Wilbeck encouraged the community to honor those who died in service or brought home an “invisible wound of war.”

He noted that the healthcare workers are todays heroes and have “much in common with our military heroes.  They are elite and ordinary.  Elite in their sense of character and ordinary in that they represent the diverse fabric of our country.”

The healthcare heroes, along with our fallen warries have “given their lives to protect our way of life.”

The program closed with Murphy playing “Taps” and Jaiden Papik playing “Taps Echo.” 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Throwback Thursday Week of May 25, 2010

May 25, 2010

Exeter-Milligan students at the Exeter site with perfect attendance for the 2009-2010 school year: Jaiden Papik (1stGrade) and Caitlin Murphy (2nd Grade).
Exeter-Milligan students at the Milligan site with perfect attendance for the 2009-2010 school year: Patrick Murphy (5th Grade) and Mitchell Manning (4th Grade).

Exeter-Milligan Track students found some success in Omaha over the weekend at the State Track meet. They medaled in seven categories with the boys taking individual event medals, and the girls picking up several medals in the relays and an individual medal.

Congratulations to Shane Manning who took the gold medal in Class D State Pole Vault with a 13'2" vault.

Ryan Harre took home a pair of bronze medals in the 100 Meter at 11.253 and the 200 Meter at 23.311 .

The 1600 Meter relay team of Taylor Erdkamp, Mariah Bigelow, Heather Pribyl and Jennifer Pribyl took 7th place with a time of 4:21.148

The 3200 Meter Relay team of Heather Pribyl, Taylor Erdkamp, Alicia Bigelow and Jennifer Pribyl took 4th with a time of 10:15.804 .

Jennifer Pribyl also picked up 5th place in the 800 Meter run with a time of 2:27.244.

The Exeter Village Board in conjunction with the Exeter Chamber of Commerce held a drawing you to win the opportunity to slide down the new slide FIRST!!! Vicki Androyna won the drawing.

The Exeter Alumni Banquet hosted by the class of 2000 was well attended Saturday evening. The Class of 2000 President Mitchell Schlegelmilch welcomed the group. The class of 2010 was well-represented and introduced by class president Charlotte Andreasen.

The Exeter American Legion Post 218 presented their annual Memorial Day program on Monday at 10:00 a.m.  After the presentation of the flags by the Legion members assisted by Army National Guard Members Jason and Lacey Hood (granddaughter and her husband of Terry and Elaine Salyer of Exeter) Bob Dumpert, master of ceremonies presided. Exeter-Milligan senior class President Charlotte Andreasen read the Gettysburg Address followed by Travis Yound reading In Flanders Field. Tim Wilbeck spoke.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Relay for Life on June 19th

Pandemic:  a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world.  Relay:  a group of people engaged in a task or activity for a period of time.  How are these two words related?  Though we are currently facing a new pandemic, there is still the continuing pandemic known as cancer.  To fight this pandemic the committee of the Fillmore County Relay For Life has been working to plan the 2020 event.

Since the way RFL has always been done will not work this year, the committee has come up with an alternative plan.  On June 19th we will be Cruising Against Cancer in 2020.  The details of the event are still being worked out, but we can guarantee food and fun.  Cruises have become the thing to do during this time so we are hoping to continue the excitement by having a large turnout that night.  Please stay tuned for more details to follow!!

We will still be selling luminaries for the event.  You can order them online or contact Laura Weaver (Weaver Repair), Pat Mau (Heartland Bank), Jackie Swartzendruber, Kati Jones, Kaela Lockhart, or Denice Kovanda.  We can either deliver them to you to make yourself or you can ask us to make them.  Because we are having our event over a month early we will need them to be purchased by June 15.

Corona may make us plan differently, but it cannot stop us from honoring our survivors and doing what we can to fight cancer.  Please plan to join us on June 19th.  If we can answer any questions, please let us know.