2014-2015 Odegeo...Leadership for Fillmore
County Class & Leadership committee members, Bryce Kassik and Tiya Johnson.
FILLMORE COUNTY - The Odegeo…Leadership
for Fillmore County class attended an “ABC’s of Education” session December 16,
The day began with the members meeting
at the Fillmore Central High School.
Mark Norvell, Superintendent at the
Fillmore Central Schools, gave the class on overview of the Fillmore Central
School Systems. Jim Rose, Fillmore Central Principal, then took the class on a
tour of the High School.
The class enjoyed a morning break
compliments of the Fillmore Central Schools.
Next the class traveled to the Fillmore
Central Elementary School where Aaron Veleba, Principal of the Elementary
School, took the class on a tour of the Elementary School and ESU6 Success
rooms. Following the tour and discussions, the class traveled to Fairmont where
the class toured and heard about the 5th-8th grade Fillmore
Central Middle School from Principal Steve Adkisson.
After traveling to Exeter the class ate
lunch compliments of the Exeter-Milligan Public Schools. Paul Sheffield,
Superintendent, talked about the TYKE program that is now in the Exeter site
and the technology that is available for the students. After a tour and
overview of the Exeter-Milligan school, the class traveled to Milligan where Para
Beth Vavra gave the class a tour of the school.
The last stop of the day was the
Shickley Public School where Superintendent Bryce Jorgenson talked about the
curriculum, programs, facility and the class toured their Children’s Learning
Center. The class enjoyed cookies and
drinks compliments of the Shickley Public School.
The January session of the Odegeo class
will focus on Health and Human Services.
Person interested in learning more about
Odegeo…leadership for Fillmore County may contact the Development Corporation
at 759-4910, email lentfer.fcdc@genevamail.com or go
to www.fillmorecountydevelopment.org.