Saturday, February 19, 2011

Exeter Senior Center Labors of Love Quilt and Craft Show

Brenda Motis holds a tatted doily brought to the "Labors of Love" quilt and craft show by Bernie Larsen.

A collection of Labors of Love was shared on Tuesday afternoon at the Exeter Senior Center.

The program welcomed anyone to bring in items that had been handmade to a sort of “show and tell” according to Fillmore County Senior Services Advisor Brenda Motis.

“There is always an interesting story with these things,” said Motis to start the show.
Many of the items were quilts, with several that were more than 100 years old.
Along with the items, many memories were fondly shared. Many of the women brought items that had been in their cedar or “hope” chests.

Evelyn Michl brought one of the seven sets of days of the week towels her mother had embroidered for her cedar chest. She never used any of them and plans to hand them down to her children and grandchildren.
Many of the items brought were passed down through several generations and made in the Czech republic, doilies, tablecloths, dresser scarves all intricately and perfectly made.

Several men shared their own version of handmade items created with wood and other materials. Bob Samuelson of Friend shared the Welch love spoon collection that he has made. He explained how in this tradition a young man would carve a spoon for a young lady who had caught his eye “if she accepted then things got serious.”

Many of the carvings on the spoons had specific meanings. As an example, Samuelson shared one he had made for his wife which contained two identical spheres twisted together indicating marriage and on the end three chain links which indicated their three children.

Richard Brunkow of Milligan brought a plexiglass hamburger mold and a wood napkin holder to show, while his wife brought one of the more than two dozen baby quilts she has created for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

All of the quilts brought to the show had a colorful top as well as a story behind them. Francis Pracheil shared her stained glass flower quilt that was stunning. She designed the blocks based on flowers that were special to her including a sunflower for Kansas where she was born and a hibiscus reminiscent of her visit to Hawaii.

Rhonda Stokebrand, who also is an advisor for Fillmore County Senior Services, brought a quilt made by her mother who passed away in the last year. The quilt was made of fabric scraps of many of the dresses her mother made for her in her childhood. Stokebrand explained that while her mother was making the quilt something in the sewing room caught fire and her mother escaped but the original quilt top did not. It was completely burned. Her mother had several extra squares that survived although they retained some smoke and water damage which made them all the more precious to Stokebrand.

Frances Becwar brought the intricately made flower garden quilt that her mother crafted in which each piece was no larger than a 1” square.

Many crocheted items were shared with Elva Mc Bride sharing a butterfly prayer shawl. She explained that after the shawl is made a prayer is said over it and is thought to bring blessing to anyone who might wear it.
Embroidered items, afghans, crocheted blankets, baby quilts, counted cross stitch, cut work, tatting and cross stitch items were shared during the afternoon along with their legacies.

Stokebrand complimented the crowd on their beautiful items and quipped “Our generation buy comforters on a whim but you truly know what labors of love are.”

Exeter-Milligan Receives Monsanto Donation

Exeter-Milligan School received a donation from Monsanto Funds at an all school assembly.  Pictured from the left are Exeter-Milligan Superintendent Paul Sheffield, Exeter-Milligan Student Body President Taylor Slezak, Monsanto Representative Brent Kramer, Exeter-Milligan Principal Lin Schlueter, Monsanto Representative Darin Keller, Exeter-Milligan School Board Member and the winner of the drawing for the funds,Tim Pribyl , and Monsanto Representative Jim Gabel.

Who doesn't love a giant check???

Exeter-Milligan School received a recent donation of $2500 from the Monsanto “America Grows Communities Program.” It wasn’t something they applied for, it was a prize designated to the school by Tim Pribyl

Pribyl was hesitant to sign up for the Monsanto Fund drawing because he “had to include his email.” He went ahead, filled in the online form and registered for the drawing wondering if he would get a lot of junk email from the entry.  Instead it turned out to be a good thing for Exeter-Milligan School, because Pribyl, who also serves as a school board member, was chosen to receive $2500 to donate to a cause of his choosing.

It was a natural fit for Pribyl to choose the school as he has four children attending the school and  his wife is on the faculty as a high school math teacher.  He told the student body and Superintendent Paul Sheffield, “Monsanto deserves all the thanks,” said Pribyl.

Thursday morning the seventh through twelfth graders gathered to watch Jim Gabel, Monsanto representative, present the giant check to Sheffield and Student Body President Taylor Slezak.

Gabel explained how the program is available in 1200 counties in 38 states with a pool of three million dollars. Recently America Grows Communities has distributed funds to Sandy Creek FFA, Shickley FFA and just this week Gabel was notified that Clay County will be receiving $2500.

Gabel emphasized that the program is designed “to help farmers show the importance of agriculture in their communities.”

Sheffield immediately had plans for the funds.  He announced to the student body that “some of the money will be going to the Math department and since we do not have a FFA program here our FCCLA program will get some, too.  The rest of the money will go towards building a wall of champions in the hallway to the gym.  We will have a case to recognize all of our state champions, both team and individuals.”

Sheffield encouraged anyone who qualifies to register online for the chance to win.  Anyone 21 years or over who farms 250 acres can register at .  The giant check will be on display in Exeter and Milligan for a limited time.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fillmore County Extension Update: Upcoming Events

Farmers & Ranchers College: Economics Management & Outlook Program
        On February 24th starting at 9:00 a.m. with registration at 8:30 the last Farmers & Ranchers College program for this season will take place as part of the Cornhusker Economics Management & Outlook Conference series. The conference will take place at the Fillmore County Fairgrounds in Geneva and end at 2:30 p.m.
        This is one of a series of Cornhusker Economics Management and Outlook Conferences across the state and will cover a number of key economic topics affecting farm management and production decisions for 2011. The opening session will focus on the fundamental outlook for agriculture in 2011 while the closing session will address the challenge of management for the coming year.
Cost of this conference is $25/participant statewide, but with the generous contributions of the Farmers & Ranchers College, the first 100 participants to register will attend FREE!  To ensure a spot, please register ASAP by calling the Fillmore County Extension Office at (402) 759-3712.

62nd Annual Milligan Grassland Day – Entrepreneurship Topics
Tuesday, March 1st will be the 62nd annual Milligan Grassland Day with registration at 9:30 A.M. and the morning program beginning at 10 A.M. at the Milligan Auditorium.  This year’s program features a look at rural entrepreneurship in southeastern Nebraska.  Vaughn Hammond, UNL Extension Educator will provide a look at how various small business owners in southeastern Nebraska are turning their talents into success.  A panel of local entrepreneurs will follow including but not limited to the following:  Kim Slezak, Everlasting Light Images; Dave Welsch, direct marketing of poultry and beef; Carey Potter, Pour House Tasting Room; Chloe Diegel & Alex McKiernan, Robinette Farms; Sharon Auld, Awesome Pretzels; and Reid Ely, Ely Farms.  Lyndsey Pohlmeier, UNL Extension Assistant in Fillmore County, will give a brief overview of the 4-H project ESI which is a project focusing on developing entrepreneurship skills for youth.
In the afternoon prepare to laugh along with our speaker, Susan Brown, retired UNL Extension Educator, as we learn the importance of laughter in our lives.  We finish up the afternoon with highlights of the LEAD International Study Travel Seminar to Nicaragua, Panama, and Costa Rica provided by Deanna Karmazin, UNL Extension Associate in Lancaster County.  Contact our office for more details at 402-759-3712.

For more information contact:
Brandy VanDeWalle
Extension Educator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension
Fillmore County
972 G St
Geneva, NE 68361-2005
Phone: (402) 759-3712
Fax: (402) 759-3764

Exeter-Milligan Update: Second Grade Book Swap

Second Grade Book Swap by Marla Weber

Who hasn't received hand-me-downs? Unlike the hand-me-down clothes that fade after each wash, the content in a good book always remains color-safe and vibrant. The words may appear on slightly torn pages, but the imagination and conversation they start can be as fresh and new as the first time the story was read. That's what the Exeter-Milligan Second Graders thought as they planned a Book Swap. Students brought a book or two from home that was slightly used and they no longer wanted. The book exchange was the perfect opportunity to have a snack and conversation as the books were sorted and arranged
by topic and genre. Students asked questions about the books. After looking over the choices, it was time for the SWAP! The book swap was a little more chaotic than time spent at the library, but it's an exciting way
to have fun with books.

Pictured is the 2nd grade with their books.

Front row: Cammie Harrison, Georgia Meyer, Blake Meyer, Anthony Kirkpatrick Kneeling: Olivia Murphy, Jaiden Papik, Brock Steuben, Johnathan Ostrand, Casey Jindra Standing: Makenna Morgan, Jackson Beethe, Clint Oldehoeft, Nick Wiederspan, Christopher Kelch

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Exeter-Milligan Update: Fifth and Sixth Grade Science

 Clarissa Mounce and Derek Axline examine their crystals under a   microscope to see the crystalline structures more clearly.

Samantha Horne, Lucy Murphy, Evan Harre, and Cameron White mass one of their metal cubes in
order to find its density.

 Joan Strate, Quinton Behrens, Ashley Bendorden, Cameron
White, Hailey   Luzum, and Evan Harre model a solid, using
meter sticks to hinder their movement.

 Cameron White tries to pour his "Goop" into a plastic bag. "Goop" has properties of both a solid and a liquid.

Mrs. Julia Polak's 6th grade science class has started their physical science unit with an introduction to chemistry. The Blue River Cohort schools' 6th grade teachers begin their chemistry studies
with Matter and physical changes in matter, including mixtures and solutions.

Atoms and molecules are next, with the concepts of elements and chemical changes. Mrs. Polak calls her unit "Kitchen Chemistry," because almost all of the demonstrations and activities are done with common household items. The students will be given a "Chemistry
Cookbook" at the end of the year.

The Exeter-Milligan 5th grade class has been studying minerals, rocks, and fossils. They grew their own crystals, and were able to examine samples of rocks and minerals that Mrs. Polak shared, and that other students brought to class.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

American Legion Auxiliary Spaghetti Feed

 Over 225 were served at the annual event. With homemade spaghetti, garlic bread, corn, salad with homemade salad dressings, who would want to miss it?

 And yes, everyone pitches in to make sure things get done!

 Pat Hassler and his mother-in-law Bernice Hall look over the Auxiliary's scrapbook project.

 Pat is the sauce maker extraordinaire!

 Jack mans the ice cream sundae bar.

Linda serves up the toppings for the ice cream. What a great way to top off a great meal.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

                        The public is invited to attend their Court of Honor on February 20th
                                    at the Cordova Community Building, Cordova NE at 4:00 pm.

Exeter-Milligan Students Compete at Fillmore County Spelling Bee

 Exeter-Milligan Students at the County Courthouse to participate in the Fillmore County Courthouse are as pictured from the left Clarissa Mounce, Samantha Horne, Kaitlyn Vavra and Hailey Luzum. Kaitlyn Vavra took third place in the 5th and 6th grade division.

Exeter-Milligan Junior High Students who participated in the Fillmore County Spelling Bee are pictured from the left Janey Due, Sean Maxson and Elliot Erdkamp.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cornhusker Economic Management & Outlook Conference in Geneva

For more information on this conference please contact:  
Brandy VanDeWalle
Extension Educator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension
Fillmore County
972 G St
Geneva, NE 68361-2005
Phone: (402) 759-3712
Fax: (402) 759-3764