Friday, January 16, 2015

Exeter-Milligan Update: Sixth Grade Class Learns About Statistics

Allison Brahm’s 6th grade class at Exeter-Milligan recently completed a unit in statistics in their Math Investigation.  Pictured are Sean Gibson, Dylan Bonds and Cammie Harrison creating a poll for the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. After giving the poll, the students created different graphs to represent their results. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Exeter-Milligan Update: Eighth Grade History

Mr. Brian Murphy's classes at Exeter-Milligan have wrapped up the first semester.  Starting next semester, eighth graders will be traveling with Lewis and Clark, American History will be exploring the Roaring 20s, Post World War II will look at the late 60s, World History is going to learn about the 1800s, and Geography will be breaking down regions in the U.S.

Pictured are some of the eighth graders making a video of the first amendment.  Johnny Babula is taking advantage of his freedom of speech and assembly.  Listening to him are (l to r) Trever Zelenka, Joel Klemm, Macy Due, and Kate Jansky.