Above– A new war memorial in downtown Exeter was dedicated on
Memorial Day. Father Steve Thomlison spoke at the dedication and the
Exeter Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts carried the flags. From left are Joey Bartu, Devin Harrison, Mikey Bartu, Father Thomlison, Tyler Due, Troy Kallhoff and Ronnie Babula
Below – The Exeter Q125 History Book Committee
used their extra funds from the sale of the history books to purchase the war
memorial that was placed on Exeter Avenue. Pictured at the Memorial Day
ceremony are from the left Faye Neeman, Terri Volkmer, Brian Moor, Brian Murphy
and Agnes Anderson. Not pictured are Shirley Janes, Jim Votipka, Jerreta
Tauriella, Lonnie Shafer, Patty DeMoss and Doug Anderson.
A new war memorial was dedicated in downtown Exeter on
Monday, May 25th.
The stone was presented to the community by the Exeter Q125
History Book Committee. After the majority of the history books were sold, the
committee had remaining funds and “our goal was to do something that would be
long term and be something that generations to come would see,” explained
committee member Brian Murphy.
Murphy approached the Exeter Village Board in November
requesting the board approve the memorial and a location downtown near the
historical marker.
After the go ahead was given the committee order the stone based
on similar displays they had observed in other communities. Their plan
was to dedicate the memorial appropriately, on Memorial Day.
The first Exeter history book on the anniversary of the
centennial had also been profitable and the funds left over had been used to
pay for the historical marker in downtown Exeter.
This memorial is unique because it honors all of the
branches of the military. The front of the stone is engraved with “Veterans
Memorial. To honor the brave men and women of the Exeter area who
honorably served their country in war and in peace.”
The back of the memorial shows the symbols of the six
branches of service and notes that the stone was dedicated Memorial Day 2015 by
the Exeter Q125 History Book Committee.
The committee held a dedication downtown at the stone just
after the Memorial Day program at the cemetery in Exeter. The Exeter Cub
Scouts and Boy Scouts led the flag ceremony and Father Steve Thomlison gave a
brief dedication.
The Exeter Q125 History Book Committee members were Brian
Murphy (Chairman), Jim Votipka, Terri Volkmer, Brian Moor, Jeretta Tauriealla,
Shirley Janes, Faye Neemann, Lonnie Shafer, Agnes Anderson, Patty DeMoss and
Doug Anderson.