Saturday, November 20, 2021

Exeter Village Board Meets Discusses Property


Exeter Village Board met on Tuesday, November 9 for a scheduled regular meeting.

After approving the minutes and bills the board moved on to the first agenda item, reviewing resolution 21-07.  The resolution approves a multi-district jurisdictional hazard plan, “so that if you have a disaster you have a plan in place,” explained Clerk Becky Erdkamp.

The board approved the resolution and then started discussing the property at 405 S. Union which was on their list of properties to be cleaned up.

Cantrell Harrison attended the meeting on behalf of her father, Mark Stokebrand, the property owner.

“He would like a couple more months to see if he could get his stuff out of it and then he wants to see if the fire department would do a practice burn.  Ideally it would be with snow cover,” explained Harrison. ‘It’s beyond repair.”

Board member Bob Mueller responded, “I guess we go another month. I hate to go too far.”

Chairman Alan Michl added, “You just can’t burn it.  It has to be inspected.  Let’s give him to the end of January and then we can start the inspection process.”

A neighbor expressed to Clerk Erdkamp that he was very worried about one of the trees which is dead and is concerned about it falling on his house.

The board voted to give the homeowner until February 1 to remove the rest of his items before declaring it a dangerous property and proceeding with an asbestos inspection.

The next item on the agenda was a discussion on the property on North Missouri Avenue that the owners wanted to donate to the village.  Clerk Erdkamp explained that there was not a clear title to the property.  All of the family members listed on the deed would have to sign the title in order for the property to be donated to the village.

“I want to proceed (with getting the paperwork done), explained Chairman Alan Michl,”We’re going to spend a lot more if it becomes a nuisance property.”

The board discussed purchasing ice melt for the village and decided to purchase a pallet for downtown businesses.

The board looked at more options for health insurance for employees. They looked at a quote from Nebraska rural association and compared it to a current policy an employees’ spouse will have through their work when they retire.

“We just give them a stipend and they can worry about what they want to do with it. We wanted to get quotes to see what kind of stipend we would need to give,” commented Michl.

Village Marshal Tyler Salmon held a brief discussion of dogs that are running loose and notifying drivers that semi trucks can not be parked on the street.

Maintenance Supervisor John Mueller gave his report noting that he had ordered two new lights for the ball field. They will be installed once the split posts are cut down.  He also explained he had worked on cutting some ditches on the north side of town to help with drainage.

Clerk Erdkamp reported sales tax for August was $9928.77 and September Keno was $152.63 

The next meeting was set for Dec 8 at 7 p.m.







Thursday, November 18, 2021

Throwback Thursday: November 13, 2011




Exeter remembered their Veterans with a program on Wednesday at the Exeter-Milligan school.  


After a welcome by Becca Vossler, flags presented by Exeter Cub Scout Pack 218 and the Exeter-Milligan Band performing the "Star Spangled Banner" and "The Sentry Boy," Wilbeck spoke to the large crowd.

The #1 seeded Exeter-Milligan Lady Timberwolves won runner-up at the State Volleyball tournament after beating Winside in four sets, they defeated BDS in four sets and then met Humphrey #2 and lost 22-25


Congratulations to Exeter-Milligan/Fillmore Central Softball Team Members for the following honors:

Elly Korbelik - 2nd Team SNC Infield, Honorable Mention All-Tribune, Honorable Mention All-State JournalStar and Omaha World Herald.
Elly was fourth in the York News Times Area for Home Runs, led the area in doubles with 12
Logan Zeleny - 1st Team SNC Infield, 1st Team All-Tribune, 1st Team All-State JournalStar, 1st Team All State Omaha World Herald.
Logan was first in the York News Times Area for RBI's and third in Home Runs.


Exeter-Milligan FCCLA Chapter members conducted a “Trick Or Treat, So That Others May Eat”, food drive to help Blue Valley Food Pantry stock their shelves for the holidays ahead.  Through the generosity of the communities of Milligan and Exeter, our FCCLA chapter was able to collect a large variety of nonperishable food items.


Caitlin Murphy, a fourth grader at Exeter-Milligan Elementary School, was a part of the 350-member NMEA (Nebraska Music Educators Association) All-State Children's Choir on Thursday, November 17, 2011.  The students rehearsed at the Cornhusker Hotel all day and presented a 4:30 concert in the packed Lied Center.  John Jacobson, a well-known composer and choreographer, led the large group of students.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Exeter American Red Cross Blood Drive Successful


On Monday, October 25th, Exeter had its Blood drive in the American Legion Post 218.


Their goal was 34 and they surpassed that goal with a total of 38 units.   With 37 presenting donors, they collected 32 whole blood and 3 Power Red units  (which are double units).  There were only two deferred donors.  Becky Erdkamp and Jameson Trauger were first time donors at this drive. Unfortunately nine scheduled people did not call to cancel or come for their appointments.


They were able to recognize several with special achievements including Meg Becker who has donated seven gallons, Jackie Yound and Eric Williams each have five donated gallons,  Paul Sheffield has donated four gallons and Norm Nichols reached the one gallon mark.


Coordinator Barb Jansen gave a special, “Thanks to all these dedicated Red Cross donors.”

The Exeter Methodist church ladies supplied the drive with delicious sandwiches and cookies.
The next Red Cross drive will be in Fairmont on Monday, December 20th at the American Legion from 12:00 - 6 pm.  The bloodmobile will be in Exeter on February 21, 2022.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Exeter-Milligan Veteran's Day Program


Exeter-Milligan staff and students honored all veterans on Thursday, November 11 at a morning program.

Before the program, veterans and their families were invited to enjoy breakfast and coffee hosted by members of the Exeter-Milligan National Honor Society in the cafeteria.  During the breakfast the kindergarteners delivered letters and pictures to the veterans they had created  thanking the veterans for their service.

Exeter-Milligan staff provided a display just inside the gym to honor the members of their families who were veterans.

Senior Braden Capek welcomed the audience to the program thanking the veterans for their service.  Troop 218 Boy Scout Mikey Bartu led the flag ceremony with Troop 180 members Richard Hickman and Levi Jurgensen carrying the flag.

Under the direction of Mr. Mark Perez the Exeter-Milligan Junior High and High School band played “An American Celebration,” by Larry Neeck which was a compilation of many recognizable patriotic songs.  The Junior High and High School choir performed “My America” arranged by Joyce Eilers Bacak  and “America, Of Thee I Sing” by Mark Donnelly and George Strid.  They were accompanied by Mrs. Angie Murphy.

Mrs. Denice Kovanda gave a special video presentation as the scheduled speaker was not able to attend due to illness.

The short video was from the perspective of service members who reminded the audience of their service to their fellow countrymen stating, “I stand for you.”  The veterans were invited to stand and received a standing ovation from the audience.

After the video the band played “America’s Finest (A Musical Tribute to the Armed Forces)” arranged by Jay Bocook and Kovanda invited each member of the military branches to stand as their anthem was played. 

Closing remarks were given by senior Ben Bartu.