The Exeter Village board opened their monthly meeting with a
budget hearing. Chairman Alan Michl informed the audience that the levy did not
increase because the valuation did not increase.
“There was about a $400,000 decrease (in valuations) but
next year I’m guessing that it will be about a million dollar increase.”
He added that the audit looks a little off because the
village still has an outstanding construction loan that will be repaid by the
bonds when they are issued for the work being done around town.
With no comments from the audience, the board adjourned and
opened a hearing to set the final budget.
The board discussed raising the levy by about 3.5% as they
had last year. ”This is basically the same as we increased it last year.
We use the valuation to set our limits,” Michl explained.
The board approved resolution 18-06 which allowed for the
levy to increase to the 3.5%. The board moved into their regular meeting
agenda. They approved two sets of minutes from August 7th and 28th
along with the invoices.
Andrew Wilshusen from JEO gave the board an update and
summary of projects. He noted that there were two payouts for downtown
and streets to be approved and, “I would assume next month we would get close
to a final. . .there may be a few change orders to add and deduct.”
Wilshuesen continued to report explaining that he had the
East Boundary paving certificate of completion and that paving would be
complete that week on Burlington. He expected that the street projects
would be done soon. They had also done a walk-through of downtown and
listed a few minor touch up items that would need to be taken care of along
with the clean-up.
Wilshusen had a few of the broken flagpole holders from the
new light poles. He is going to talk to the manufacturer about the issue.
Michl added that they decided to replace the sidewalk in
front of the old fitness center which will be a change order.
The board approved the payouts for Werner Construction for
$282,634.83 and Van Kirk for $181,822.60 along with the certificate of
completion for East boundary.
Lynette Trauger, the new Exeter librarian thanked the board
for the approving her hiring. She reported she is cleaning and changing a lot
of things in the library. The library board met and is putting out a
survey for patrons along with the new hours. They have a goal for
Storybook Park renovation to be completed by next spring.
Trauger also reported that she recently met with the
Southeast Library Commission and has a plan for certification along with
working on filing an extension for accreditation.
Resident Kenny Harre was on the agenda next to visit with
the board about a new commercial building he would like to build near the sewer
plant. He wanted to make sure the board would support him in the endeavor
before proceeding with permits.
“I know there are lots (platted) out there and it shouldn’t
be any concern but I wanted to make certain,” Harre stated.
The board had no reservations about Harre’s planned addition
to the community.
The board approved replacing the front door to the office as
the door glass was cracked. They also approved a request from the
Fillmore County Development Corporation for $1700 in funding.
Maintenance Supervisor John Mueller reported that the pool
needs painted from the three foot area to the deep end. He also plans to
replace all the signs that were removed for construction.
He added that during a recent heavy rain a hole opened up in
the Horizontal Boring pipe yard that revealed that the storm sewer had been
destroyed. It was adjacent to a power pole that had been installed by
Horizontal. Van Kirk repaired that storm sewer at a cost of $2947.50 and
Mueller asked the board who should pay the bill.
“We had to have it fixed. It’s not like you could
leave it open,” explained Mueller.
The board decided to send a letter to Perennial and
Horizontal about the bill.
Clerk Becky Erdkamp reported that June sales tax was
$8782.08 and July Keno was $450.67. She reported that she and Michl would
be attending the annual conference.
Before the board entered executive session to discuss pay
raises Clerk Erdkamp noted that she has not been compensated for attending and
working at village board meetings for the last 11 years, nor has Mueller.
“I’d like to ask that we get paid for meetings from here on out.”
The board entered executive session and came back out at
8:15 to give Mueller, Erdkamp, Sharon Cudaback and Keith Mathiesen a three
percent raise and an additional $500.00 compensation to Erdkamp and
Mueller for past attendance at board meetings. The board also announced
that Erdkamp and Mueller will be compensated for time spent at board meetings
in the future.
The next meeting was scheduled for October 2.