FCCLA Peer Education
Conference held February 28th, 2022
by Mary Lou Vossler, Exeter-Milligan FACS
Instructor and FCCLA Advisor
Over 400 FCCLA members and advisers from
across the state attended the FCCLA Peer Education Conference in Kearney at the
Holiday Inn on Monday, February 28. "Small Changes, Big Impact"
was the theme for the conference that was planned and led by members of the
State Peer Officer Team.
the opening session, members of the State Peer Officer Team were introduced and
shared information about their National Programs. Finalists for the
Family Leader, Career Leader and Community Leader State Peer Officer Team were
Chapters who participated in the Family Leader, Career Leader and
Community Leader Outreach projects were introduced. The Capture the
Action Awards and trophies were presented to chapters. Winners of the
Families First Awards were: 1st - Milford, 2nd - Howells-Dodge, 3rd
- Grand Island Northwest. Exeter-Milligan FCCLA received a certificate of
participation for their Trick or Treat so Others May Eat Food Drive.
Chapters honored for the Career Leader Awards were: 1st - Neligh-Oakdale,
2nd - Kearney,
and 3rd Howells-Dodge. Earning the Community Leader Awards were:
1st - Howells-Dodge, 2nd - Overton, and 3rd - Boyd County.
The winner of the 2022 State Peer Education Team Scholarship was Taylor Svoboda
from Mullen.
The keynote speaker for the conference was
Maile Ilac Boeder from The Leadership Center in Aurora. Her powerful
presentation kept members active and engaged. Other session presenters at
the conference were Shannon Olberding of Atkinson, who spoke about Body
Positivity/Mental and Physical Health, Vanessa Parra who shared her message on
Abusive Relationships. Members of the Overall SPOT Council Leonardo Luna
Duran, Troia Drey and Annie Corkle led a session, as well.
year's Small Changes, Big Impact Conference Outreach Project
asked chapters to donate items to benefit the S.A.F.E. Center and Compass in
Kearney. Chapters brought 637 items that were presented to
representatives from each of those agencies during the closing session.
State President Kaylee Hilbers of Logan View gave a preview of the State
Leadership Conference which will be held in Lincoln on April 3 - 5.
State Adviser Chelsey Greene also addressed the group.
Members of the
Exeter-Milligan FCCLA Chapter who attended this year's
conference are Morgan White, Kierra Papik, Joleen Vossler, Olivea Swanson,
Savana Krupicka, Taylor Pribyl and Emma Meyer