Saturday, June 30, 2018

Exeter-Milligan T-ball

Exeter-Milligan T-ball team pictured sitting in the front from the left are Kaidence Koehler, Edyn Adams, Elijah Adams, Lynn Jurgensen, Hadley Kahler, Willie Lock,  Dahlia Zehr-Lewis, Saydee Kassik,  Reed Wince, Archer Engert.  Back row from the left Lillian Koehler, Anton Classen, Gracelyn Becker, Beau Becker, Tommy Kallhoff, Kolt Songster, Braxton Harre, Archer Kanode, Liam Capek, Crosby Oldehoeft, Axel Erdkamp and Brooklyn Lawson.  Coaches in the backrow from the left are: Dan Kallhoff, Adam Erdkamp, Chad Oldehoeft and Justin Harre.

Photo Courtesy of Jessie Johnson (Images by Jessie)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

FCDC Holds Strategic Planning Session

L-R Ken Lemke, Brian Williams,  FCDC Board Members and other community participants.  

FCDC Holds Strategic Planning Session

Fillmore County Development Corporation (FCDC) held a strategic planning session on June 18th.  Board members and several community members attended the meeting.

The FCDC Board invited Ken Lemke, an economist with the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), to present the “Target Industries Review” that he prepared for Fillmore County along with the “Economic and Demographic Trends for Geneva and Fillmore County and the Surrounding Area”.  The information on recent and projected labor force, workforce, and industry trends plus data on occupational and industry wages was used to identify the relative strengths and importance of existing industries and occupations in the study area.

This information was to help identify possible drivers of the area economy and to be used as a part of a process to identify industry for future retention, expansion and possible recruitment efforts. The quotient analysis grouped five broad industry groups:  Construction, manufacturing, wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, and finance and insurance as possible targets. 

Anyone wanting more information can get a copy of the Economic & Demographic Trends study at or call or email the FCDC office.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Storybook Park

 These pictures of Storybook park in days gone by were found at the Exeter Library.  In the top photo, there are some interesting pieces of history in the background.  Does anyone know what the stucco and brick building is between the park and the old parish hall?  What about the tower like rope structure on the right side of the photo behind the fence?
On the back of this photo someone wrote:  Last meeting of Story Hour.  Katie McCabe on new glider and Robin Manning the youngest child at story hour July 1983