Sue DeJonge shows the participants at the Exeter Public Library Summer Reading Program the shell necklace she purchased in Israel on her trip.
The Exeter Public Library Summer Reading Program participants enjoy listening to stories from around the world.
Exeter Public Library has begun their summer reading program this year with the theme of "One World, Many Stories."
The library solicited coins and dolls from all over the world for the participants which are now on display. Books were also chosen to reflect the theme. Kindergarten and first graders enjoyed their first session reading stories and making their own travel suitcase.
During the month-long program the participants will be able to fill out travel vouchers for each book they read and turn them into the library for a prize drawing.
During the Monday session, second and third graders were able to hear a presentation from Exeter resident Sue DeJonge who traveled to Israel this year. DeJonge shared her many experiences in the Holy Land, describing her ride on a camel and how the camel is suited to the desert.
DeJonge also shared with the participants about swimming in the Dead Sea and eating fish from the Sea of Galilee. She showed them pictures and some of the items that she purchased and collected on her trip. The program continues throughout the month of June with more books to read and crafts to do. Contact the Exeter Public Library to enroll or for more information.