Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Exeter-Milligan Graduation 2021


Exeter-Milligan graduated eleven on Saturday afternoon.  Seated in the front row from the left are; Georgia Meyer, Daisy Kanode, Cammie Harrison, Natalie Staskal, and Jaiden Papik.  Back row from the left are: Blake Meyer, Sean Gibson, Clint Oldehoeft, Jackson Beethe, Brock Steuben and Casey Jindra.

Exeter-Milligan held their graduation on Saturday, May 8 at 4:00 p.m.  The eleven graduates entered the gym to “Pomp and Circumstance.”

After a welcome by graduate Georgia Meyer, the senior video played eliciting many laughs and a few tears from the audience.

Jaiden Papik and Clint Oldehoeft presented the senior thoughts.

Papik related the classes experiences at school to running the 300 meter hurdles.  “There are always a few slow starts in the hurdle race, like kindergarten. . .the challenges we faced are like hurdles.  As seniors we were running down the home stretch.”

She reminded her classmates that this was “only the first event of the rest of our lives.”

Oldehoeft recalled some of the wonderful memories the class had made together on their senior trip skiing in Colorado.  He also commented on the adventure the seniors had while cutting down and installing the traditional Christmas tree in the school.

The class was presented their diplomas by School Board President Adam Erdkamp.

After moving their tassels over, graduate Cammie Harrison gave the closing remarks.  The graduates presented their mothers with their class flower, a white rose, and escorted their parents out of the gym before forming a reception line outdoors.


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