Sunday, October 30, 2016

E-M Update: FCCLA

District #4 Leadership Conference
by Mary Lou Vossler
E-M FACS Instructor and FCCLA sponsor

October 6th, 2016- Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) brought student leaders, members, and advisers to Central Community College in Hastings, Nebraska on October 6th to participate in its annual District Leadership Conference. 330 FCCLA members from 8 different chapters attended the Conference this year.
            The conference provided great opportunities for the students and advisers to come together to attend some truly inspiring sessions. The theme of this year’s conference was “Piecing it Together with FCCLA” and attendees were challenged to put together the little pieces in life to make the big picture.
            In addition to the many learning experiences at the conference, chapter members were greeted by State officer Taryn Goodban and PEER Ed Team officer Dylan Lase. Both officers talked about how excited they were to attend the conference and what exciting things members have to look forward to later this year.  This year District #4 had the opportunity of watching a presentation by Revolution. Revolution was started in 1998 by the Children’s Service Director at the Center for Survivors. It is a grant funded group which strives to inform teens about the dangers of dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Revolution’s members were high school students from Columbus, NE. Other sessions offered were dancing with Alex, York Women’s prison, Alcoholism, Culinary Art, Royal Family Kids Camp, STAR Projects, and Nebraska State Patrol.
            The afternoon keynote featured Sara Hinds, who recently returned from Japan as a part of the FCCLA Japanese Exchange Program. She discussed what activities she did on her trip and how different and similar the two cultures were. She shared some beautiful pictures and stories about her travels.
            Exeter-Milligan’s FCCLA 31 Chapter members were in attendance.  Samantha Horne led the conference as District #4 President.  Chapter President Haylee Sheffield led a presentation session on Royal Family Kids Camp.  Previous STAR competitive events participants shared their experiences of doing STAR projects and displayed their previous STAR projects to be seen by all District #4 FCCLA members. Chapter members donated puzzles and color books for the Royal Family Kids Camp.
            FCCLA, “The Ultimate Leadership Experience” is unique among youth organizations because its programs are planned and run by its members. It Is the only career and technical in-school student organization with the family as its central focus. Participation in national programs and chapter activities help members become strong leaders in their families, careers, and communities.


November 6- FCCLA/One Act Play Dessert Luncheon begins at 2 p.m.  Please join us as the cast presents, “True Stories of the So-Called Big Bad Wolves” followed by a lovely and delicious dessert luncheon.

The FCCLA meeting previously set for Nov. 7th has been moved to Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 6:15 p.m.  See the attached flyer in the newsletter for the presentation on Human Trafficking that will be held that evening.
Chairperson(s)for this event:  Kaitlyn Vavra, Committee Members:  Alexis, Kayla B, Kayla G, Jaiden, Katie M., Tara, Ann S. Macy.

FCCLA meeting, Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 6:15 p.m. Agenda:  Presentation by Nebraska Family Alliance - Human Trafficking @ 6:45 p.m. Please see posters throughout school or in FACS room for information.  All members are invited to attend.  Public is invited to the 6:45 presentation.
FCCLA members a light supper of:  Chili and Cheese Potato Soup
Dessert for the evening:  Kelsey Bigelow, Kaitlyn Vavra, Tara Mueller

Front – Samantha Horne
2nd row – Katie Mounce, Jacy Schlueter, Ashley Benorden, Kayla Geiger, Caitlin Murphy, Anna Sluka, Jaiden Papik
3rd Row – Hannah Horne, Kate Jansky, Josie Kresak, Anna Bettu, Emma Olsen, Kaitlyn Vavra, Hailey Luzum
4th Row – Kiah Songster, Rebecca Krupicka, Cammie Harrison, Haylee Sheffield, Daisy Kanode, Cameran Jansky, Katelyn Babula, Briana Capek
Top Row – Tara Mueller, Georgia Meyer, Madison Luzum, Kayla Bonds, Kelsey Bigelow, Alexis Uldrich

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