Monday, March 25, 2019

Exeter -Milligan Update: News from the PE Department

News from the Exeter-Milligan PE Department
by Darcy White, PE Instructor

K-2:  Recently, the students have been working on batting as well as throwing and catching to get ready for T-ball, baseball and softball seasons.  Students are learning the positions on defense and how to run the bases on offense.  Fitness testing and outdoor activities will round out the school year.

3rd-6th:  Students have learned badminton and pickle ball and have played basketball and scooter hockey since the beginning of 2019.  Our middle school children are getting ready to start fitness testing as well as baseball and softball and will also begin preparing for field day as soon as the weather cooperates.

Sophomore PE:  Students have been in highly contentious doubles battles of basketball, badminton, and bowling since the beginning of second semester.  Students participate in round robin pool play in order to be seeded for a double elimination tournament for each individual unit of sport.  These students will round out the year with pickle ball, softball, tennis and fitness testing.

Pictured is Mrs White with kindergartners Archer Engert (batting) Landri Johnson (catcher) and Tommy Kallhoff (waiting his turn to bat).

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