Saturday, April 21, 2018

Exeter-Milligan Sixth Grade Classroom

Exeter-Milligan sixth grade classroom. Front row from the left: Savannah Horne, Savana Krupicka and Malorie Staskal.  Back row from the left: Devin Harrison, Troy Kallhoff, Draven Payne, Trenton Vossler, Dravin Birkes, Tyler Due, Andrew Vavra and Josh Meyer. Not pictured: Taylor Pribyl

The Exeter-Milligan sixth grade is an active place with twelve students.  They are taught by Mr. Treven Cerveny who thinks, “This year’s sixth grade class is a very energetic and fun group of students.”

This year the class has a health unit, which has focused on some of the choices they will have to make.  The students have decorated the classroom windows with pictures, designs and quotes on their choices in regards to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

Currently, according to Mr. Cerveny, the class “has continued to improve across all subject areas, in preparation for junior high next year. More specifically, we have been focusing on using the writing process, memorizing math facts, and developing study skills.”

Technology is used frequently in the sixth grade classroom.  They use iPads, laptops and the Smart Board.  Often they use apps on their iPads which allow them to be creative and engage in the learning process.  They use them to create projects, complete assignments, practice skills and review material.

Examples of what the sixth grade class has created on their classroom windows for their health class.

Troy Kallhoff works on his writing project.

 Malorie is working on the rough draft of her “dreams” writing assignment.

Andrew Vavra (left) and Trenton Vossler work on their writing project.  Students are able to use an iPad to write on or regular lined paper.

below – Josh Meyer works on his writing project.

Above- Sixth grade teacher Treven Cerveny helps Tyler Due with a writing assignment.
Below – Trenton Vossler works on his iPad.

Troy Kallhoff (right) and Tyler Due (left) discuss an assignment on the daily board.


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