Sunday, March 27, 2016

Exeter Chamber of Commerce Hosts Easter Egg Hunt

The prize winners at the Exeter-Milligan Easter Egg hunt are pictured from the left:  Mikey Bartu, Knox Becker (with his mom J.J.), Beau Becker, Chezney Kanode, Kierra Papik, Lynn Jurgensen, Kiley Oldehoeft and Jonah Geiger.
The FCCLA Easter Egg Hunt helpers are pictured from the left:  Anna Sluka, Josie Kresak, Brianna Beatham, Haylee Sheffield, Katie Mounce, Kaitlyn Vavra, Ashley Benorden, Tara Mueller, Caitlin Murphy, Cami Harrison, Kayla Geiger and Daisy Kanode.  The Easter Bunny is Katie Skinner.

The Exeter Chamber of Commerce with the assistance of the Exeter-Miligan FCCLA once again sponsored the Easter Egg Hunt in Exeter.

The event was held Sunday, March 20th on a beautiful spring day at the Exeter-Milligan school.  The FCCLA members stuffed over 2000 eggs and carefully hid all of them on the school grounds.

There were lots of Easter egg hunters from toddlers through the fourth grade and plenty of eggs and candy for everyone.

The chamber also sponsored door prizes for a boy and girl in four different age categories.

 J.J. Becker helps her youngest son, Knox, keep the eggs in his basket.
  Lynn Jurgensen poses with the Easter bunny (Katie Skinner).
The third and fourth graders raced to each pick up 50 eggs in their hunting ground.

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