Thursday, May 30, 2024

Exeter/Exeter-Milligan Alumni Weekend celebrated

Allison (Michl) Bitz shares about changes during her keynote speech at the Exeter/Exeter-Milligan Alumni Banquet.

The Exeter/Exeter-Milligan Alumni celebrated together on Saturday, May 25 in the Exeter gymnasium.

The program was hosted by the class of 2014 and was part of a three day event starting with live music and a taco bar (hosted by the Exeter Fire Department to raise funds for a new ambulance) downtown Friday night at the Twisted Wrench.

Saturday's events, in addition to the banquet, were a golf tournament won by Wade Sluka and Darren Engle, tours of the school,  a social time and dance with a silent auction at the Exeter Legion.

On Sunday there was a road rally and a fat penny tournament in Milligan.

At the banquet Kylie (Briske) Schoenholz gave the welcome and talked about the few years she spent away from home. She shared how people were shocked when they heard how small her high school graduating class was but she always responded "being raised in a small town is one of my life's greatest blessings.  The community support we received was unmatched."

After the welcome Deidre (Stevens) Boyle facilitated the business meeting noting that next year the banquet attendees will need to vote on what to do with the alumni association in light of the approaching consolidation with Friend.

Becky (Harre) Erdkamp gave the Exeter-Milligan Foundation report noting that the Foundation was able to give $12,000 in scholarships this year.

Before eating, Logan Zeleny gave the blessing and classes took their group photo before lining up for a meal.  

Allison (Michl) Bitz, a member of the class of 2001, gave the keynote speech.  A doctor of psychology and counselor in Lincoln, Bitz released her first pre-teen novel in 2023 and her second pre-teen novel will be released this fall by Harper Collins.

Bitz talked about the many changes she experienced with the Exeter school district when she was in high school when they co-oped classes and some sports with Fairmont and then a temporary arrangement with Milligan until it became permanent just before she graduated.

With the upcoming consolidation Bitz reminded the crowd of the Zen proverb, "Let it go or be dragged."

After the speech Boyle returned to the podium and passed the microphone out to the honor classes to share memories and introduce their attendees.  During the class of 1974 introduction they noted that their second grade teacher (Mrs. Lois Pribyl) was the spouse of one of the members of the class of 1954.

After the introductions there was an open house reception at the Exeter American Legion Post 218.

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