Thursday, September 22, 2022

Throwback Thursday 9/16/2012




The Homeownership Opportunity Program (HOP) to provide down payment subsidies to Home-buyers for the purchase of existing homes within Fillmore County has been extended to March 22, 2013.

Eligible applicants include persons/families looking to purchase a home in Fillmore County and whose incomes are 80% or lower than the median household incomes of Fillmore County, NE, adjusted for family size.  For example, a family of four with a combined household income of $45,600 or less may qualify.  Other applicant eligibility criteria include:

·         Home being purchased must be the principal residence of the buyer

·         Completion of a Homeownership Training Program

·         Creditworthiness



Mr. Jordan Marr’s senior psychology class is currently studying about human behavior.  For this lesson, each student created a poster, depicting his or her personality through the use of images  The students will continue their study of behavior by creating a survey and participating in a naturalistic observation experiment.


Exeter-Milligan showed off its football field’s new look on Friday night.  The new crow’s nest is three stories high with storage on the bottom floor, a seating area on the middle floor which will be raffled off each game and a top floor for coaches and announcers. The new scoreboard was also used for the first time during Friday’s Homecoming game with Exeter-Milligan posting the first numbers of the night.


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