Thursday, December 16, 2021

Throwback Thursday: December 11, 2011



Drop Everything And Read.  Exeter-Milligan first graders are busy practicing DEAR and took their practice downtown this week to the Exeter Senior Center.

Area Senior Center members came downtown to listen to the students read.  The eight first graders had plenty of volunteers who wanted to hear them read.

Marcy Manwarren loaded the display case at the Exeter Village Office/Library with her beautiful handmade Christmas decorations.  Her crocheted white holiday express train was featured along with holiday bells, snowflakes and other items.

The Omaha World Herald announced their All-State first and second team and Exeter-Milligan students appeared on the list.

Claire White, Senior, was chosen for the first team along with Junior Taylor Erdkamp.  White notched 332 kills, 45 ace serves and 53 blocks for the team this year.  Erdkamp made the books with a setting assist percentage of 97%.
Honorable mentions went to Juniors Jackie Luzum, Megan Zwickl, and Jennifer Pribyl and Sophomore Erica Yound.

The Art I classes are currently working on making a slab mug with a pulled handle.

They have already completed other clay works such as a coil pot, and slab pot with a lid.   They have been learning different clay terms also.


The Art II class has just completed their Pop Art painting.  They learned

about the Pop Art Movement and then compiled their own creation using popular images.


The Art III class has begun working in clay also and they are completing a slab pot and a functional teapot.


The York News Times announced their All-Area Teams recently with Exeter-Milligan represented well.

In Football, Sophomore Nolan White was chosen as a co-captain leading the pack in passing yards and third in total yards.  He also led the pack in tackles.

Sophomore James Sluka was also chosen for the first team and was fifth in receiving yards in the area.

Junior Robbie Androyna was also chosen for the first team.

In Volleyball, Senior Claire White was chosen as a co-captain for the first team along with Taylor Erdkamp.  Jackie Luzum was also chosen for the first team.  White was second highest in the area for kills, third for digs and fourth for blocks.  Erdkamp was was second in set assists.

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