Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Successful Blood Drive held in Exeter

The Exeter Blood drive held on Friday June 19th was a success.  The goal was 44 units and we got 41 whole units and 7 double donations (which equals 14 regular units of blood)for total of 55 units.

Double reds is another donation option where they collect two units of red blood cells and return the platelets and plasma (plus a little saline) through the same tube.  The benefits for the donor are that the needle is smaller and they're better hydrated after donating.  They also come to donate half as often.  It takes about 20 minutes longer but benefits patients who are less likely to have a reaction when they receive two units of blood from the same person.

 The United Church of Christ Women's Fellowship supplied the bagged sandwiches and bagged cookies while the Red Cross provided juice, water, and snacks.  Jackie Yound helped at the lunch stand, Sharon Dyer helped sanitize the books and chairs, Marilyn Anderson took the donors temperature as they entered and Barb Jansen registered the donors.

The Red Cross crew comes from Grand Island, Neb. and are rated number one in the United States for their collection and procedures performed.  The Red Cross started testing each donors blood for antibodies for the treatment for Covid 19 on June 15th.  Drive organizer Jansen was very thankful for "all the donors that helped us achieve our goal and those that help so many in need of blood."

The next Red Cross Blood drive in Fairmont is August 28th from 12-6 pm.

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