Sunday, June 28, 2020

Exeter Aquatic Center Guidelines

Exeter Aquatic Center Guideline

This information is the guideline and regulations to be followed in order to allow the Exeter Aquatic Center to safely open during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the restrictions placed upon our communities being lightened, the Exeter Village Board has unanimously approved to open the community swimming pool if the following restrictions are followed and abided by. These guidelines and restrictions are based upon the combination of the DHM, CDC, local health district and the guidance from the League of Nebraska Municipalities. Although the Village of Exeter has accepted the responsibility of opening the swimming pool, patrons need to be aware of the fact that contracting the virus is still possible, so although preventable measures are being put in place, the risk and responsibility to prevent the chances of contracting the virus is not placed on the Village of Exeter and all swimming pool attendees will enter the facility at their own risk.

Restrictions and Safety Protocols:
·         The operating schedule for the swimming pool will be split into two sessions
o   Session one – 1:30pm – 5:00pm
o   Session two – 6:30pm – 8:30pm
·         Sessions will be limited to 75% of the total occupancy capacity
o   Approximately 150 patrons
·         All patrons will have their temperature checked before being allowed to enter the facility
o   No patrons will be allowed to enter the facility with a temperature equal to or higher than 100.4 degrees
·         Pool fees are being set to $4 per patron per session with the option of purchasing season passes
o   Single passes offered for the price of $30
o   Family passes offered for the price of $60
·         The swimming pool staff will sanitize the facility and equipment between the two sessions
·         Patrons using the facility will be logged and a record with their name and phone number will be documented
·         Additional guidelines may be added or changed throughout the season
·         There will be no concessions sold this year
·         Patrons will be responsible to dispose of their own garbage outside of the swimming pool facility
·         Drinking fountains will not be accessible
·         It is mandatory for all patrons to shower with soap, before entering the water
·         If any patron displays signs or symptoms related to the COVID-19 virus, the current working staff has the authority to not allow or escort the patron out of the aquatic center
·         There will not be midnight swimming sessions or private party sessions available    

There is still a threat of contracting and spreading the virus. Please make sure to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and others. Be safe and stay healthy!

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