Sunday, September 29, 2019

Exeter Village Board Passes Budget and Tax Request

The Exeter Village Board met on Tuesday, September 10 starting off with the budget and one and six year plan hearings.
The board began the discussion with four options for the next fiscal year’s budget.  Option one was for everything to remain the same with the levy and property valuations.
Village board chairman Alan Michl explained that “option two, three and four lets us put in what we can (allowed by the state) and will generate an increase in valuations and our current levy.”
More specifically he outlined that option four allows the village to use the new valuation increase toward bond indebtedness.  This would allow an additional $22,539.53 for the general fund that the village had been pulling from the general fund to pay toward bonds.
Michl expressed his opinion that option four was the best way for the village to go.  “Our total bond issue askings is $196,000 and we can take our valuation increase to offset some of the bond increase.  When you increase your valuations you are allowed only so much growth because the state limits you.”
He added, “I don’t want to lose that valuation increase for the future.  We want to keep that base.”
Board member Justin Harre commented, “Down the road we can adjust our levy if we need to.”
Michl emphasized that this option was important because in the past budgets the village was taking money out of the general fund to pay for the bond askings. With option three or four the amount of additional funds would go back into the bond.
The board passed Resolution1906, option four, which also included an additional one percent to the tax request.
According to Michl, “Raising the levy to the state allowed limit and the additional funds that are brought in will help pay the downtown improvement and street bonds.”
Michl also explained that the state now requires the village to review their one and six year road plan to the beginning of the fiscal year while the budget is reviewed.
Michl noted that the one and six year plan had not changed since the board approved it in March and once again the board approved the plans.
The board adjourned the hearings at 7:20 p.m. and opened their regular meeting.
The minutes were quickly approved along with the invoices before Fillmore County Zoning Administrator Jennifer Slezak presented a land split for the board’s approval.  The property in question is an alpha field along Maplewood Avenue between the Exeter Aquatic Center and Terri Volkmer’s property.
The board approved the lot split in the new Brock subdivision.
The board signed an agreement  with JEO for professional services for fire hall parking lot.  They are supervising the engineering to make sure that ADA requirements are met.
The board entered executive session to discuss annual employee reviews.  While board members pay remains the same the village maintenance supervisor, clerk and librarian received a three percent raise.  They also announced that the summer help will be receiving a $100 summer bonus.
Maintenance Supervisor John Mueller gave his report.  He had the pool slide bid reviewed by JEO who confirmed that the bid was more than fair.  
Board member Justin Harre added his support for the project, “I guess we need to do it to keep up with the pool.”
The board approved the bid noting that they hope to wait until March to get the work done.
Mueller also reported that he believes there is a leak at the pool and they will be using a camera to look in the main drain to see if the leak is there.  A valve out at the lagoon is also not working and they will be working on a fix for that.
Mueller noted that last year there were 10 million gallons of fluid in the sewer system for the entire year and this year to September first there have already been 24 million gallons.  Mueller emphasized that sump pumps must be vacated outdoors, not into the sewer system.
Mueller reported that there were some issues with the paint on the street and as soon as there is a dry spell the painter will fix them.
The  Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy was in Exeter recently and inspected the tree and grass pile.  Michl reported they found some railroad ties, garbage bags and plastic flower pots.  He reported “We were given a warning. They can shut it down.”
Board members asked about the concrete crushing machine parked out near the grass pile.  Michl reported that it is being stored there now, “They aren’t charging us and it is out of the way.”
Clerk Becky Erdkamp gave her report starting with computer issues.  She  explained that her computer is still running Windows 7 which is no longer supported and she also needs a larger monitor.  The board tasked her with finding a replacement computer. 
Erdkamp reported that sales tax for June was $11374 and July keno was $726.90.
The board set their next meeting for Tuesday, October 8.

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