Exeter Village Board met Wednesday, June 5th with
a quorum of three as two board members, Kathy Erdkamp and Justin Harre, were
absent from the meeting.
After approving the minutes and invoices the board welcomed
Fillmore County Development Corporation representatives Susan Lynch, Jennifer
Griffith, and Marcus Ruhl to the meeting.
Lynch, FCDC board member introduced herself and asked for
input from the board, “We are focusing on businesses in the area. We are
also focusing on housing as well and workforce. We want to bring people
in and finding them jobs when they get here.”
Ruhl added, “We want to be able to expand a lot of our reach
farther. No one knows it better than the people who live there. We
are opening the table for what you want to see in Exeter. What are your
goals and how can we help you get there?”
“It is a multifaceted thing we are trying to do across the
entire country. Everyone has their niche and that is what we are trying to
exploit,” Ruhl continued
Lynch confirmed their mission, “We are coming to you, we
need to understand what you want .”
“There isn’t a town in this county that would argue that we
need lots. We need to have funds to deal with the dilapidated houses so
we can have lots people can build on. This would be a good organization
to spearhead this idea,” according Chairman Alan Michl.
Michl noted that the land bank bill that was passed in the
unicameral and might have aided the situation, was vetoed by the governor.
“We have about 10 houses we would like to tear down but to
be honest we can’t afford it. It’s a countywide deal,” explained Michl.
Lynch responded, “One of things we are looking into is how
can we creatively pool our resources to meet the needs of the county.”
“If it was just Exeter I wouldn’t bring it up, but it’s
every town in the county,” explained Michl.
The board thanked the FCDC representatives and heard an
update from Andrew Wilshusen on the final items of the downtown and street
projects. He noted that there a few items to finish up but the main item
is the flagholders on the light poles that have been faulty.
Wilshusen confirmed that the flagholders should be done and
in place by June 14th for Flag day. He also noted that
concrete crushing is not finished but will begin again soon. So far they
have crushed 3748 tons and estimate another 1200 tons.
Wilshusen also offered a bid from JEO to design and
supervise replacement of the concrete in front of the fire hall. The bid
of $7700 was not accepted by the board but they did entertain the option of
having JEO check to make sure the forms were ADA complaint before the cement
was poured.
Maintenance supervisor John Mueller noted they had a bid for
$33,000 which included digging down a foot and adding crushed concrete base.
The board discussed possible pool activities during Exeter
days and contributed $100 toward prizes. The parade route hasn’t been
determined yet for the weekend of July 27.
The board approved a motion to accept the bid of $1100 from
Dan Wittnebel to erect the fence at Storybook park.
Mueller reported he had to replace the AC unit at the
ballfield shack. At Storybook Park the ladybug glider broke and will have
to be repaired. The village had some trees cut down in Gilbert’s Park but they
still need to be cleaned up before the stumps are ground.
Clerk Becky Erdkamp reported that sales tax for March were
$9571.49 and Keno for April was $356.48.
She informed the board that she will send mowing letters
soon. She recently took pictures at a property in Exeter where two dead
trees and lots of broken limbs and construction trash are littering the yard.
She talked to the homeowner and warned it could be condemned soon.
Erdkamp had a resident question her on the necessity of a
sidewalk on his property. She found there was no easement and will let
him know about the legal requirements.
The board set their next meeting for Tuesday, July 9 at 7
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