Friday, April 30, 2010

Exeter American Legion Poppy Poster Contest

Junior Auxiliary members out to sell poppies are pictured from the left Ana Androyna, Deidre Stevens and Janey Due.

The William Sullivan American Legion Auxiliary Unit #218 invited the Exeter-Milligan Public School students from the Exeter campus to participate in creating Poppy posters to be judged and displayed in the city of Exeter. Sixteen posters were submitted by Kindergarteners and second grade students from Mrs. Kassik and Mrs. Weber's classes.

Receiving awards were


1st place: Katelyn Babula
2nd place: Ben Bartu

Second Grade:

1st place: Caitlin Murphy
2nd place: Kayla Geiger
3rd place: Anna Sluka

All students submitting posters will receive a chocolate bar and the students whose posters received placings will also be given monetary awards.

Be sure to look for the posters around town displayed during the month of May.

The poppy program is the oldest and most widely recognized Auxiliary program. Each year around Memorial Day, Auxiliary volunteers distribute millions of bright red crepe paper poppies in exchange for contributions to assist disabled and hospitalized veterans. The program provides multiple benefits to the veterans and to the community. The hospitalized veterans who make the flowers are able to earn a small wage which helps to supplement their incomes and makes them feel more self-sufficient. The physical and mental activity provides many therapeutic benefits as well. Donations are used exclusively to assist and support veterans and their families. The poppy also reminds the community of the past sacrifices and continuing needs of our veterans. Auxiliary members endeavor to explain the true meaning of this little flower to all those who receive it. The poppy has become a nationally known and recognized symbol of sacrifice and is worn and used by Auxiliary members to honor the men and women who served and died for their country in all wars. Please support each unit's activities in every county.

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