Friday, October 23, 2009

Altar Society Hosts Annual Card Party

Loading plates at the ultimate salad bar.

The Exeter St. Stephens Altar Society held their Annual Salad Luncheon and Card Party on Thursday afternoon.

Row upon row of salads, sandwiches and relish trays greeted luncheoners as they were welcomed in the Exeter Legion Home. Nearly 150 women attended the event.

Raffle tickets were available for multiple craft items including a beautiful quilt made by Bert Gill of Jackson, Nebraska and a nativity scene anonymously donated. The quilt was won by Kennedi Koozer with Bambi Ogren winning the nativity scene. Margaret Petro announced the winners.

After the salads were polished off the ladies got down to the real business of the afternoon, cards. Several games of pitch and bridge were enjoyed by the attendees.

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