Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Exeter-Milligan School Board meets

 Exeter-Milligan Superintendent Paul Sheffield (center) looks on while school board President Adam Erdkamp signs the paperwork selling the Milligan school building to the village of Milligan.  Board member Kendra Jansky is on the right.

In a historic move, the Exeter-Milligan school board sold the Milligan school building and grounds to the village of Milligan during their regular meeting June 12th in Milligan.

After the board opened the meeting and approved the consensus agenda, the meeting was opened for public comment.

Milligan resident Gerald Slezak asked about specifics on the sale of the Milligan building.  Both board president Adam Erdkamp and member Eric Milton responded.

Milton, who also serves on the village of Milliigan board, replied specifically to Slezak’s query about the purpose the village will use the building for, “anytime you look at any property there is always potential.”

He noted that the village had no specific plan for the property at the moment.

The village purchased the property for $10,000 and the district will pay the village each year for the next five years to use the property in essentially the same way they are using it now.

The gym is used for an extra practice space, the locker rooms are used for football games and some of the other buildings are used by the district as well.  The community will have access if the facility is available but the district will maintain the first priority,

Exeter-Milligan Superintendent Paul Sheffield updated the board on the Elementary HVAC project.  The old boilers are being replaced and a whole new system is being installed.

The board looked at some options for dates when the EMF coop area committee could meet.

The board reviewed and approved multiple policy updates many updated by legislative action. Sheffield highlighted the changes in the contract with A & M, Inc and the board approved the new contract for one year.

The next topic was the elementary remodeling project and the board discussed hiring a new design firm.

The board voted 5-0 to accept the sale and the lease agreement of the Milligan building (Milton abstained).  The district will cover the costs of demolition of the old building should the village opt to go that route.

The board set the next meeting for July 15 in Exeter.



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