It has been a busy first semester in Mr. Brian Murphy's classroom at Exeter-Milligan. The eighth graders have completed shoebox museums of American Revolutionary War leaders. The semester will end with the taking of the Citizenship Test. Freshmen have been busy preparing and performing demonstration, informative, duet, and humorous speeches in speech class. They will finish the semester by writing and presenting persuasive speeches. In Geography, the freshmen have been learning the locations of major Nebraska rivers, highways, counties, and cities, along with other broader topics in geography. The settling of the West, the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, World War I, and the Jazz Age have been studied so far this school year for the sophomore class in American History. As the semester winds down, each class will be preparing for final projects and semester tests.
Freshmen during Speech class preparing for their informative speeches are L-R: Brooklyn Oldehoeft, Cheyenne Krupicka, Sydney Engert, and Truman Milton.
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