Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Exeter-Milligan Update: Science News


Pictured are Mackenzie Jaeger, Kate Pribyl and Hannah Petersen

Pictured are Beau Becker and Boden Graham


Science News Update

By Lorie Sliefert, Exeter-Milligan Science Instructor


The 6th grade science class is currently learning about the engineering design process.  As part of our unit, we are building a model car that will travel the farthest down a ramp.  They had to brainstorm different models and then analyze them to see if they meet the criteria and constraints that were part of our problem.  They selected 3 designs and then did a decision matrix to determine which was the best solution.  We are currently in the process of testing our cars.  We will analyze the results and then make changes to our designs to improve our models.   


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