Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Village Board Discusses Recycling

The Exeter village board met on Wednesday Dec 4 and quickly reviewed the minutes and invoices before visiting the first item on their agenda.

Elections were held and Alan Michl was once again elected Chairman for the year and Justin Harre was elected as vice-chairman of the board.

The board reviewed the committee appointments and Michl noted that he nominated Shawn Gray on the health board and also to be named as the village marshal.  The board approved all of the appointments.

Next on the agenda was the appointment of the city street superintendent. The board passed Resolution 19-09 which is the Year-End Certification of City Street Superintendent. Steve Parrr (JEO employee) was named in the resolution as the city street superintendent. Parr noted it will need to be sent in to the state so the village can receive their incentive payment for appointing a street superintendent.

Marshal Gray gave his report noting that Officer Dominic Lombardo has been working on several calls that were all made around the same time of property theft, “There were five or six incidents in the same area at the same time.”
Maintenance Supervisor John Mueller opened a discussion on the recycling trailer.  “I took the trailer in today and left it there. It will be there a week and a half or so.  He (Burton in Henderson) is no longer going to accept cardboard or magazines and if we continue to bring in the trailer with items that are not allowed in the #1 and #2 then he will no longer accept the trailer.”

Michl noted that Friend no longer has their trailer and has several dumpsters in the same location.
Mueller and Village Clerk reported that Friend was now using Recycling Enterprises out of Lincoln who pick up twice a month for $440 a month.  Mueller noted, “They already having people throwing trash in the dumpsters.  Recycling is great as long as the government is subsidizing it.”

“I am hoping people come in and ask where the trailer is so I can explain that we will lose it if we don’t do it right.”

Mueller noted that the well water was recently tested and had a spike in the arsenic level.  It was at 9.27 ugl and the last test was at five.  The allowable level is 10.  Mueller reported the testing facility is going to retest the sample to make sure that the test was accurate.

Mueller reported he is redoing the drop ceiling in the fire hall and they have started widening Lincoln Avenue but have delayed it with the wet roads.  He has also put culverts in on South Missouri Avenue and is recutting the ditch.

Clerk Erdkamp reported that sales tax for September was $8774.14 and Keno for October was $400.53.  She is working on year end keno reports and the audit will be on December 12.  The next meeting was set for January 7.

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