Thursday, May 16, 2019

Exeter-Miligan Graduation 2019

Spencer Pribyl (left) gets some help from Matt Nicholas adjusting his graduation robe and stoll.

Below - Denice Kovanda (right) helps Kate Jansky get all of her medals and stolls on just right before Exeter-Milligan’s graduation on Saturday.

Trever Zelenka, middle gets a lesson in the proper acceptance of the diploma from Matt Nicholas (right) while Spencer Pribyl (middle right) and Blake Steuben (left) watch.

Exeter-Milligan held their graduation ceremony on the afternoon of Saturday, May 11 .  Pictured are the graduates: seated, from the left:  Josie Kresak, Katherine White, Kate Jansky and Macy Due.  Behind, from the left: Theron Odvody, Johnny Babula, James Becker, Peytan Brandt, Trever Zelenak, Spencer Pribyl, Colton Bossaller, Joel Klemm, Mitchell Manning, Blake Steuben.

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