Saturday, December 15, 2018

FCDC Update: Leadership Class Attends Government Session

Jennifer Slezak, Zoning Administrator,  talking to the students on how zoning works in Fillmore County.


FILLMORE COUNTY - The Odegeo…Leadership for Fillmore County class attended the “Government-Power of the People” November 20, 2018.

The day began with UNL Extension educator Brand VanDeWalle highlighting leadership skills.

Next local leaders from different levels of government spoke to the group that included:  Jeff Neiman, Fillmore County Supervisor, Rod Norrie, Geneva Mayor and Kyle Svec, Geneva City Administrator. Becky Erdkamp, Exeter Village Clerk, Linda Carroll, Fairmont Village Clerk and Vicky Thompson, Milligan Village Clerk,  talked about their duties to help city and village offices handle the day-to-day business of their communities. 

The class toured the Fillmore County East building and saw the lay-out of the many offices there. Jennifer Slezak, Zoning Administrator, gave the tour of the facility and told how zoning works in Fillmore County.

Following that the group learned about NRD with Mike Onnen, manager of the  Little Blue Natural Resource district.  Craig Vincent, an Account Manager of Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), explained about public power and how that differs from other states.  He also talked about changes in power sources and how more of it is renewable.

In the afternoon the group traveled to the Fillmore County Courthouse where President Fillmore greeted the group. Patt Lentfer, FCDC Executive Director, briefly outlined why have an economic development organization at  the local level and how it works with the regional and state levels of economic groups.

Jim Dunker, Emergency Management Manager, and Fillmore County officials Amy Nelson, Clerk, Lynn Mussman, Assessor, and Barbara Trapp, Treasurer, told about their offices and the duties for which they are responsible.

Amy Nelson then took the group on a tour of the Historical Fillmore County Courthouse. Many of the members of the group climbed up to the third floor to enjoy the view.

A school board panel consisting of Local school board members Randy Kleinschmidt from Fillmore Central and Chris Swartzendruber from Shickley provided information about how schools are run and the role of the board members in working with the administrators and the community. 

The December session of the ODEGEO class will focus on Education.

Persons interested in learning more about Odegeo…Leadership for Fillmore County may contact the Development Corporation at 759-4910,  email  or go to

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