faculty and staff posed for a photo at the HUMANeX conference in Kalamazoo,
Mich. Pictured from the left are: Denice Kovanda, Laura Kroll, Marla
Weber, Katherine Roemmich, Laura Steuben, Treven Cerveny, Lisa Soukup, Shelli
Mueller and Paul Sheffield.
years ago Exeter-Milligan Superintendent Paul Sheffield “had a gut feeling that
things just didn’t seem right” with the staff, faculty and students in the
school district.
that same time Sheffield was at an administrator’s day and was introduced to
the vendor HUMANeX which help companies and schools evaluate their
relationships and community.
examines the entity and according to their proposal objective they are
“creating and driving sustained excellence in organizations through expert
education, equipping and execution to impact key outcomes in a significant and
sustained manner.”
district hired the company to come into both the elementary, middle and high
school and Sheffield and Exeter-Milligan Principal Laura Kroll are both
enthusiastic about the work that HUMANeX has done at Exeter-Milligan.
Kroll explained, “They evaluate the culture of your school and help you to find
a direction and set goals each year. The biggest help for us is the
survey they do of all the staff, not just the teachers. They collect
information and from that information tell you where you areas of need are and
where your strengths are.”
doesn’t just evaluate and spit out reports. They have been very hands on
in their evaluations according to Kroll, “They meet with the staff without the
administrators there to talk about the things that are their concerns and the
directions they want to go.”
has designed surveys with over 100 questions that the faculty and staff have
answered during professional development time. Kroll shared that the
information from the surveys really “opens up the conversation, and creates a
dialog and a partnership. This creates a change of culture so everyone
understands and is working toward the same goal. It also gives everyone
an opportunity to voice their opinion.”
grade teacher at Exeter-Milligan, Shelli Mueller, feels the district has
benefited with the HUMANeX experience, “I think there was some disconnect there
(between administrators and faculty). This has narrowed our focus as a
group and helped us see what needs to be worked on. It really showed what
our strengths are and what we need to work on especially with new staff in
year, between teachers resigning and changing campuses, four new teachers were
hired for the Milligan campus.
added, “Having two sites it is important to see how we can improve our
communication. We met at the end of the school year and HUMANeX was
impressed with the improvement in our numbers, but we told them we could do
better. We are a motivated group.”
really a way for us to get a pulse on the organization as a whole and makes
improvements,” explained Sheffield.
noted that communication was the primary goal that “rose to the top through the
survey. The K-6 goals were that ‘Our team effectively communicates with
each other’ and ‘I feel in on things that are happening at E-M public
goals were revealed through the 7-12 survey’s with them sharing the top goal of
effectively communicating with each other. Their second overall goal was
‘I am on a team that encourages each member to surpass expectations.’
goals are those that HUMANeX found through the survey given to all of the
seems to have enjoyed the relationship with Exeter-Milligan as well and invited
the administrators to their annual conference in Kalamazoo, Mich. “We
were first invited as participants and then HUMANeX met with some of our
elementary staff and they wanted all of them to come to Kalamazoo.”
June, nine teachers and staff at Exeter-Milligan took the HUMANeX sponsored
trip to Kalamazoo as well as Sheffield, Kroll and Guidance Counselor Denise
Kovanda presented at the conference. Sheffield emphasized that the
positive responses he received from representatives of large corporations after
the presentation confirmed that the district was seeing the results of their
interactions with HUMANeX.
the Exeter-Milligan administrators presented at the conference, the teachers
served as a panel for the session. Mueller enjoyed fielding questions
from the audience.
thought the Kalamazoo leadership conference was “amazing. We listed to
awesome speakers. It was one more way to bring our district together. We were
one of the few groups from a school that brought nine.”
the Exeter-Milligan school board completed a survey tailored to their
relationships and trust level. In the next phase, Exeter-Milligan will
utilize HUMANeX with their coaches and student athletes. The long term
goal, according to Sheffield is to do a community survey, “We would love to be
a pilot school and community for HUMANeX. They haven’t done an entire
community yet.”
agreed, “I think it’s a great way to get everybody on the same page working
toward the same goal and making sure that your school is growing.”
the conference HUMANeX recognized the progress at Exeter-Milligan calling Sheffield
on stage and presenting him with a set of John Gordon books.
ultimate big picture goal is helping Exeter-Milligan be the place to be
We want people from the outside say, ‘I want my kids to go there or I want to
go there,” explained Sheffield. “This has helped with growing our culture
and the internal growth and at the same time knowing that you can’t be
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