Friday, July 24, 2015

Exeter Woman Attends Statewide Workshop

The Nebraska Federation of Women's Club District IV Workshop was held in Seward on July 18, 2015. The meeting was called to order by Nancy Galaway, District IV President.  Registration showed 18 members representing 6 District Clubs. NFWC President, Jan Jones reported on International Convention held this year in Memphis, Tennessee with 267  members in attendance. This years service project was helping with a soup line. President Jones told of their tour of St. Jude Children's Hospital. They treat children 0-18 years of age all provided for by donations.  Projects for the upcoming year  were announced and suggestions of activities were discussed. International  awards were announced. Nancy Galaway of the Fairmont club took 2nd place in the short story division with a student from Seward winning 1st place in still life photography. NFCW earned 1st place in the Legislation and Publicity  reports. District Convention will be in Fairmont in October, NFWC Convention in April in Omaha and  next years workshop in Belvidere. Representing the Exeter Woman's Club was Judy Dinneen.

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