Friday, June 12, 2015

Edgar Rec Plans and Information

                            EDGAR RECREATIONAL CENTER UPDATE

       What an important asset the Edgar Recreation Center is to the Exeter community!  Many children play in the area daily and benefit from having a fun, safe place to play.  The tennis courts and basketball court are used a lot as well. 
    The Center has not held a fundraiser since 2004, and funds are getting low. The committee would like to make some improvements to the park including a new bench for parents to sit at while their children play; repairs to the jungle gym, and trees to be trimmed and also removed.
In the past years two heavy picnic tables have been added, as well as a permanent trash receptacle.  There is always maintenance to the jungle gym, and protective ground cover to be added under the swings and merry-go-round. 
Right now there are plans to build a roof over the picnic tables being discussed.  If you are interested in helping to fund this project please indicate this with your donation.
If you have time to donate, help with mowing is always appreciated.  Please contact one of the board members to volunteer.
    Please consider generous contributions for all of these projects.  They can be mailed to Edgar Recreation Center, P O Box 64, Exeter NE 68351.  We thank you in advance for your support.

The Edgar Rec Committee:
Adam and Becky Erdkamp
Chad and Kendra Oldehoeft
Larry and Bonnie Cudaback
The Board of Trustees of the Exeter Methodist Church

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