Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Breast Cancer Survivor Chooses the Right Box

Exeter resident Patrice Ruhl choose the right box at a recent breast cancer fundraiser.“It was a very nice surprise. I was pretty much speechless,” explained Patrice Ruhl about a necklace she found in her box at a recent breast cancer fundraiser event.

She and most of the attendees purchased a black box for $10 at the registration table which was supposed to either include "socks or rocks." In other words the would be purchasing either a pair of white anklet socks with the pink breast cancer awareness ribbon or one lucky shopper would buy a necklace donated by York Jewelry valued at $500.

“Everyone opened their box at the same time and I realized that my box had something different in it and I pulled out a silver circle necklace with beautiful pink stones with varying shades of light to dark pink,” explained Ruhl.

Ruhl had been invited to the event by her friend Shari Michl who sponsored a table at the event. Ruhl thought that the event “For Boobs Only,” was in it’s second year. This year it was held at the Pour House in Friend.
What made the event particularly significant for Ruhl was the fact that she is a breast cancer survivor herself. She was diagnosed in 2000 and has now been cancer free for 11 years.

What surprised Ruhl most after her diagnosis was the many different types of breast cancer that exist, “I thought when you had breast cancer, you just had breast cancer. I learned there were so many variations.”
Ruhl is looking forward to wearing her new necklace of “rocks” and continues to support breast cancer research while celebrating her cancer free status.

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