Wednesday, December 15, 2010

County Supervisors Discuss Paving of Road Between Exeter and Milligan

With hopes high for a special Christmas gift the residents of Exeter and Milligan will be disappointed as they will have to wait until 2011 to see if a road between the two villages will be paved sometime in the future.
The Fillmore County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday, December 14th in Geneva with the road plan on the agenda.  While working through the road portion of the agenda Supervisor Robert Mueller made a motion to pave Road 21 from Highway 6 to Highway 41.
Supervisor Albert Simacek seconded the motion and Supervisor Chair Ray Capek opened the floor for discussion.  The Supervisors asked questions of County Road Superintendent Elmer Hessheimer first.  Several asked if the project was put on the plans would it actually ever have to be done.  Heisheimer responded that it "if did take place, it would be down the road."
Mueller asked Hessheimer what the costs associated with preliminary engineering would be.  A representative of Speece Lewis Engineers present at the meeting estimated that the costs would be around $60,000.
Capek asked guests if they had any comments and Exeter-Milligan School Board member Tim Pribyl commented that he would like to see Road 24 paved.  "I have spoken with the Milligan Fire and Rescue members and they would like to see Road 24 paved.  Road 24 sits right in the middle of Highway 15 and 81. This would give them easier access to the Friend hospital," said Pribyl.
Pribyl also noted the student traffic on the road, "We have at least one vehicle roll over a year on the road."
Several other residents spoke in support of paving one of the roads.  Chairman Capek called for a vote. Supervisors Jerry Galusha, Larry Cerny and Albert Simacek  all voted against placing the paving of Road 21 on the road plan while Supervisors Capek, Mueller and Steve Yates voted yes, Dennis Kimbrough abstained leaving the vote tied three to three and failing.
The board plans to look at the road plan and have it complete in February.

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