Exeter Cub Scout Pack 218 has been busy this summer. In June the Webelos Scouts (4th and 5th graders) made rockets and launched them. They also made leather knife holders.
The third week in June the Scouts held a pack campout at Lone Star, south of Milligan. This was a combined event with the Friend pack. The weather, although hot, was beautiful Friday night. After supper together the scouts practiced skits and then for their campfire they sang songs led by Friend Cubmaster Lisa Bjornberg and performed several skits. The evening was beautiful for the scouts to sleep in the tents. On Saturday morning the scouts had breakfast and then held a raingutter regata. They had made boats Friday evening and then each level of scouts raced against each other blowing their boats down filled raingutters. There was lots of friendly rivalry with the Friend Pack taking the lead. After the scouts raced, the siblings raced the boats they had made. All the kids enjoyed racing against each other. After the raingutters were cleaned up the scouts gathered for some instruction on art by Cubmaster Leesa Bartu. Unfortunately the rain and storm prevented the group from finishing and the rest of the campout was cancelled. The Exeter scouts will spend a Saturday in the fall fishing and hiking as promised.
In June several of the cub scouts also attended Day Camp in Walton, Nebraska at the Outdoor Education Center. This is the headquarters of the Cornhusker Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The boys made baskets with parachutes on Thursday and launched them on Friday. They shot bb guns and did archery as well as lots of sports activities. On Thursday they were joined by three scouts from the Friend Pack in their camp "den" and enjoyed time with them again. Friday was water day at camp which started with launching the parachutes they made on Thursday with raw eggs in the basket. They used water rockets to launch them. The boys also used wrist rockets (slingshots) with paint balls and played water kickball, water volleyball participated in a camp wide water fight and then enjoyed a 100 foot long birthday cake to celebrate the 100th birthday of scouting in America.
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