Transition Day at ESU6
By Anita Mueller, E-M Special Education Teacher
On March 16, 2022, Education Service Unit #6 held a Transition Day at Southeast Community College for special education students between the ages of 14-21. This workshop gave students the opportunity to participate in five different sessions throughout the day. Students were offered sessions on Paychecks and What they Mean, Adult Life Lessons, Dress for Success, Accommodations in the Workplace, and College Accommodations. There were also career options available in the following: Military Careers, Health Science Careers, Construction Careers, Computer Careers, and an Automotive Expo. Four different hands-on challenges were available in floral design, retail, grocery, and event set-up. Students were also given interest inventories or assessments and also given an opportunity to interview with different businesses from the area who were actually recruiting workers for immediate hire and/or the summer. It was a great learning experience for the students whether they were going on to college or right to work. Exeter-Milligan had five students participate in the Transition Day along with Mrs. Anita Mueller, Special Education teacher.
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