Sunday, January 16, 2022

Exeter-Milligan School Board Discusses Loss of Ag Teacher


Exeter-Milligan School Board met in Exeter on Wednesday, January 12 for a regularly scheduled board meeting. 

The board opened with signing an oath of office and a conflict of interest declaration before electing officers. A motion passed to retain the current officers, Adam Erdkamp as President, Eric Milton as Vice President, Secretary Dan Kallhoff and Treasurer Kendra Jansky.

After approving the treasurer’s report and December meeting minutes along with January expenditures Superintedent Paul Sheffield gave a brief update on the topic of cooping sports with Friend.

He explained that in his discussion with Friend Superintendent Derek Anderson the district was open to cooping all sports and activities except volleyball and basketball.  He also reported that the Friend school board voted to dissolve the interlocal agreement for the ag teacher.

Erdkamp meant what this would mean to Exeter-Milligan students and Sheffield explained, “So we will not have an ag teacher.  According to the bylaws of the FFA, to be a member, students have to be enrolled in some sort of an ag class.”

He added that Anderson reported that “they needed her on sight for more classes at Friend.”

The board discussed several options for students who want to participate in FFA including using distance learning or transporting students to Friend for classes.

Erdkamp opted to table the coop discussion until the board could have another work session.

Track coach Brian Murphy asked the board for a “decision made prior to the school year starting otherwise we are just thrown in there.”

Sheffield gave a report on the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund plans.  So far they have “earmarked $15,600 for technology, $33,000 for the new reading curriculum. . .we would also like to expand our mental health services for students.”

Currently the board contracts with Fillmore County Hospital for one day a month but would like to add another half a day. They also plan to have the mental health advocate work with teachers to help them be able to help students with mental health issues.  The funds are to be used over a three year period.

The board approved the proposed 2022-23 calendar and briefly discussed the superintedents evaluation

After approving an unpaid teacher leave Sheffield discussed the upcoming state legislative session.  He noted that LB860/861 referred to as the Columbus plan would benefit the district.  “We could see an increase of about $300,000 in state aid.  Right now they haven’t figured out how to fund it.”

Three board members (Kallhoff, Jansky and Erdkamp) were reminded that their terms expire this year and they must file by February 15 to be eligible for reelection.

The board set the next meeting for Feb 10 in Milligan.

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