Tuesday, March 30, 2021

American Red Cross Blood Drive in Exeter a Success


Exeter’s Blooddrive that was held on Monday, Feb. 22 at the Legion Hall was a success. There were 43 whole blood units and 5 power red units collected for a total of 53 units, eight over the goal.

There were three deferrals and four no shows. Since these drives don’t take walk ins unless there is an opening, it’s important to call to tell the coordinator as soon as possible if the donor is ill or unable to attend. This allows the coordinator to sign up another donor on the Red Cross site.


Providing delicious sandwiches and cookies were the St. Stephens Altar Society members. Meg Becker, chairman, manned the canteen and also helped those registering. Marilyn Anderson was in charge of the temperature check. Donating blood is always important but especially this time of year as many drives were cancelled because of the weather and covid. Reaching a donation goal were: Suzanne Keenan 1 gallon, Joni Harre 3 gallon, Warren Hall 7 gallon, Don Bristol and Alan Songster 11 gallon, and Kevin Stuckey 18 gallons.

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