Sunday, June 14, 2020

Exeter Aquatic Center to Open this Summer

The Exeter Village board met on Tuesday June 9 in the village office.  The board social was able to maintain social distance in the office.

The board approved two bids from Sargent drilling to do some routine maintenance on well one and to cap well 62-1.

The board received a dividend check of $9900.99 from First National Insurance Agency.

The main topic of the board meeting tonight was the question of whether the swimming pool would open this summer.

When the majority of the board was very positive about opening Clerk Becky Erdkamp advised the board to form a committee to write and approve an updated COVID 19 version of the rules and regulations of the pool.  She presented several examples of regulations from nearby communities.

The board unanimously approved opening the Exeter Aquatic Center this summer with an approximate July 1 opening date.  The board discussed several scenarios for opening and will release rules prior to the opening.

Village maintenance supervisor John Mueller noted that before the pool can be open the cracks will need to sealed and the area has to be dried for the cracks to be fixed.

The board discussed occupancy, taking each patrons temperature, having two hour sessions and keeping a roster of each person in each session.

They also discussed the extra cleaning that will need to take place between each session.

Chairman Alan Michl added, “A lot of it depends on what the Health Department lets us do. . .if there is a spike we won’t be able to open.”

Mueller gave his report noting that he had done some work on the roads today.  “We are trying to figure out where the water is supposed to go.”

During the Marshals report board member Justin Harre asked the board if the marshals could focus on the highway where semis park in front of the no parking signs.  

The board also discussed some issues of semis parked on the street and implements parked in town. Letters will be sent to offenders.

The board had stopped progress on abandoned houses due to COVID 19 but Clerk Erdkamp heard from the inspector and he is able to proceed with the work.  

Clerk Erdkamp reported that March sales tax was $17344.34 and April Keno was $41.56.  She reported that the CARES act will reimburse the village for extra costs associated with COVID-19 including extra cleaning supplies, medical supplies and protective equipment.

The board set the next meeting for July 7.

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